View Full Version : Help with a GEO

03-14-2003, 06:36 PM
A guy at work wants me to detail his 1991 Canary yellow Geo Strom. If anyone has any info on this vehicle that I may need to know before hand I would appreciate it, ie; One stage paint or clear cote and so on.... Thanks :cool:

03-14-2003, 11:19 PM
Well, I dont think it matters much but its prolly a single stage paint job. Detail this car like you would any other. Look for all the telltale signs of damaged paint and do the best you can.

Its a 12 yr old car with a thin factory paint job, like most all Asian cars of that era. There really isnt anything else to know about the car.

03-15-2003, 12:17 AM
Good luck with a 12 year old geo. The detail might cost more than the car is worth, just joking I am sure that yellow will come back to life.