View Full Version : Washing/cleaning the California Car Duster

03-13-2003, 05:56 PM
This weekend, with weather forcasted to be in the mid 60"s for the first time in forever (!) I`m hoping to do my very first ever Dawn wash, then clay for the first time ever, then use the Zaino stuff I`ve accumulated (ZFX/Z2...on a 2002 Silverado, white). I`m thinking of caring for the shine after that.

I figure on washing as needed but inbetween I`ll be dusting it daily and using Z6 frequently.....maybe daily?

My CCD looks to me like it`s pretty dirty and I`m wondering if I should wash it or just pop for a new one.


Thanks, JimS

03-13-2003, 06:16 PM
Its supposed to work better the dirtier it gets. As long as their aren`t any animals living in it or pine cones stuffed up there then it should still be fine to use. As fine as the CCD can be anyway. ;) Nobody needs to ask how I feel about them. I`m just wreckless with it I guess.

03-13-2003, 07:20 PM
Mine looked like it was getting too dirty, so I washed it. Big mistake. All the wax that is in the duster washed out and it`s just not the same. No need to.

03-14-2003, 12:47 AM
If you kept the instructions that came with the duster, it would tell you to wash it with Woolite. Basically a mild detergent that won`t strip off the parafin that coats the yarn. I`m sure the generic "delicate fabric washes" are probably the same thing.

I would only wash it if it were really dirty though.