View Full Version : Can you top Klasse SG with Platinum ?

03-13-2003, 12:24 PM
since i only had 2 coats of SG on my car and it`s about to rain for a few days. I am thinking of putting Platinum on the car after it stops raining. don`t feel like stripping the sg off but just use platinum ontop of it and then some s100 to top it off

03-13-2003, 12:35 PM
Yup. In fact, I like to layer SG and UPP in between each other. UPP on top of SG looks really good.

03-13-2003, 12:49 PM
jngrbrdman: So would you say that applying SG and then UPP is actually better than two layers of only SG or UPP.

03-13-2003, 01:35 PM
I would say that UPP and SG combined create a different appearance than just SG or UPP alone. I like the look better. I actually prefer to layer UPP on top of at least 5 layers of SG because I feel that it looks better on my car. UPP doesn`t get better looking with a zillion layers like SG does so I start with a good base of that. I have yet to achieve the appearance that I had with my 40 some odd coats of SG that I had before I stripped it all off to start with Blackfire. I`ve never had the patience to get it back to that level. I love Klasse.....

05-27-2003, 08:56 PM
have you ever tried just layering SG over UPP and just keep on layering SG afterwards? Thats what I`m doing now. Got 1 coat of AIO, then applied 4 coats of UPP then right now I have 6 coats of SG on top of that and still working up to as many coats as I want of SG.

05-27-2003, 09:06 PM
I guess you could do that. I just layer UPP and SG till there are 3 or 4 layers of each and then just do a layer of wax every few weeks. I wouldn`t go beyond 4 or 5 coats of either though. 5 seems to be the point of diminishing returns for both products. The effort that it takes to apply the product isn`t worth the improvement in apperance because it is so slight at that point. I would stop with the Klasse now and just do a good carnauba every few weeks.