View Full Version : A detialer paid me quite a compliment today

03-11-2003, 06:23 PM
I was at a detailing shop today getting my window tint removed.

We started talking about detailing etc. He uses some stuff called Ardio, or something like that. Anyway these guys were drooling over how my car shined. They kept asking what I used, while saying and I quote " WOW, this car really shines!" I felt quite proud of myself.

Admittedly these guys were not the caliber of most of you but it was nice to have my hard work acknowledged

This is the direct result of learning from my fellow analautopians! (that`s you guys):rolleyes:

I mean I did a good job, by my standards, it could have been better. We are always are own worst critics, but these guys wanted to hire me! They kept asking me what I used.

For those of you who don`t know I used 3 coats oif Z2 with a souveran topper. I told them "Zaino" "Oh," they exclaimed, "Iv`e heard of Zymol." "No, No That`s Zaino!" I proclaimed, "Zaino." They never heard of it. Well anyway they have now.

This is such an awsome site!!

I can`t post pics cause my wife absconded the camera, ARGHHHHHHH.



03-11-2003, 07:58 PM
Congrats, that must have been a great feeling! A real ego boost! Way to go! See, it really IS worth it!

03-11-2003, 08:06 PM
It always gives me that warm glow when someone really notices how my car looks after doing some hard work on it.

I know every comments on how my wife`s car looks and I put in half the effort on it that I do on my own. :)

Way to go! :xyxthumbs

03-11-2003, 08:41 PM
:xyxthumbs heh heh heh:xyxthumbs

Just the kind of response I hope to get when the spring comes to my corner of the world and I get to put into practice some of the knowledge garnered from this site.

to my mentors who don`t even know who they are, but are on this site...:bow :bow

03-11-2003, 08:53 PM
WTG. Its a great feeling getting compliments about your car. Makes it all worth while:bounce

03-11-2003, 09:38 PM

Great Job!!! :xyxthumbs :xyxthumbs

I would love to see the pics! :cool: That is really cool that the guys a the detail shop went gaga over your car! :D

I agree, this is a wonderful place to learn and grow in the art of detailing!

Thanks to all!


My Black 7 Series (http://www.cardomain.com/id/amp99)

03-11-2003, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by lodestone

to my mentors who don`t even know who they are, but are on this site...:bow :bow


Holly Marie
03-11-2003, 09:50 PM
What he said... :D

imported_Larry A
03-11-2003, 10:06 PM
Its a great feeling to have somebody especially someone who is a pro. complament about your car .My car is usually clean so people tell me when its dirty. They seem to think that if my car is dirty I must be sick or something