View Full Version : #9 vs Hand Polish vs Swirl Free Polish

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03-08-2003, 02:06 AM
Need a little help here. These three products I can get locally. I`m looking for a mild swirl remover and I got the impression that any of these 3 are the mildest out there from Meguiar`s lineup and shouldn`t cause hazing. Question is, which one is the mildest of the three? I`m going to be doing this by hand and I`ve read Scottwax mention using Swirl Free Polish by hand. So, which of these three would you go for before applying the Klasse twins? and why:confused:


03-08-2003, 05:13 AM
Sorry I don`t have any other help to offer (I haven`t used any of them), but Hand Polish is a glaze like #7, not a swirl remover product, so you`ll have to rule that out.

03-08-2003, 05:17 AM
I got both, swirl free is slighlty easier to use.

03-08-2003, 07:50 AM
I have the Hand Polish and the Swirl Free Polish (also the DACP). The Hand Polish and the least agressive then SFP, then DACP in that order. These are all in the Professional Bodyshop line.

This is a reply I got from Scott a few months back. HTH.

Nice improvement in the hood!

You may want to try some of Meguiars Body Shop Professional products. Dual Action Cleaner Polish starts off as aggressively as Fine Cut #2 but it has diminished abrasives that quickly break down and turn to a fine polish. Swirl Free is what you would use in place of Swirl Remover #9. Swirl Free has diminished abrasives and more oil than #9. Hand Polish is the Show Car Glaze #7 equivalent and is easier to remove than #7.

03-08-2003, 10:00 AM
doh just re read your post swirl free, then han polish as has been the same are the same as 9 and 7 and both easier to use. I love the swirl free, then hand polish combo them wax.

Even better i love swirl free, p21s GEPC, hand poish and then wax.

Today i did swirl free, GEPC and megs 20 which looks rally good to.

03-08-2003, 12:25 PM
Lots of good info here, thanks. So if I was to go with Megs Swirl Free Polish, then the Klasse twins is that ok? As posted, seems like Swirl Free is easier to use than #9 by hand but contains more oils.

Current steps unless someone else could chime in:

Meguiars Body Shop Swirl Free Polish

Klasse AIO

Klasse SG

Tim Lingor
03-08-2003, 12:33 PM
As I posted in another thread, according to information I received from Meguiars, #82 SFP is designed for "machine use only". Whereas, #9 is designed for either hand or machine.

I really like #82, but I use a rotary; so the extra oils that Scott is talking about makes buffing alot easier by machine. I have not tried it by hand, but I know Scott has great success using it that way!

Hand Polish is a pure polish; it is not a swirl remover. It is equal in most ways to #7, but I think that HP is a little more oily and a little easier to take off than #7.

Either way, you will love the results that you can get from these products!!!


03-08-2003, 02:38 PM
swirl free is fine by hand, easyier in my opinion than no 9. Yeah go for swirl free and then klasse twins.

03-11-2003, 01:33 AM
One more question, none of these swirl removers or glazes will stain plastic trim like some waxes right? Only reason why I stopped using Meguiars few years back was because of the staining caused by their gold class wax.:nixweiss

03-11-2003, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by genX

One more question, none of these swirl removers or glazes will stain plastic trim like some waxes right? Only reason why I stopped using Meguiars few years back was because of the staining caused by their gold class wax.:nixweiss

I`ve never had a problem with any of those staining trim.

Swirl Free is definitely in a class by itself when it comes to swirl removers. The improvement is very dramatic either by hand or machine-just make sure you work it until nearly clear and dry. You will see a noticable improvement from panel to panel if you work the product right. :xyxthumbs

Lone Wolf
03-12-2003, 09:48 PM
Would you reccomend using Vanilla Moose after the Swirl Free Polish and then follow with a wax or is using the VM not needed??


03-12-2003, 11:24 PM
I normally use Swirl Free, Vanilla Moose, then wax.

03-13-2003, 12:50 AM
Question, does swirl free polish not dust as much as 3M SMR? That`s my only complaint about 3M SMR.....

03-13-2003, 12:56 AM
I`ve never had dusting problems with Swirl Free.

03-13-2003, 04:38 AM
I noticed a huge improvement using swirlfree for the 1st time on my black camry. Not only in swirl or scratch removal, but in overall gloss. Especially on the top surfaces. I bought my car used, so the paint is not totally perfect. I`ve used Mother`s 3-step system, Omega glaze and IHG on seperate occasions, but they did not make a difference in appearance as much as the switch to #82. Later I added Megs Hand polish and it also worked for a deeper wet-look. :up If you have never used it.....definitely give it a try. :xyxthumbs

Take care everyone........V