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03-07-2003, 12:07 PM
Some guy taking off the ice on his hood with an ice scraper

and his car appeared to be brand new.

I don`t know.

That`s like scratching a chalk board to an Autopian.

03-07-2003, 12:23 PM
Why even buy a new car if you`re going to treat it like that!??:doh

03-07-2003, 12:27 PM
I got one better than that , a few weeks ago in the big snow storm we had here in jersey , I was out plowing and saw the plow crew at the local chevy dealer taking the snow off the cars with snow rakes and snow shovels. They where doing it to all the vehicles I can`t imagine the damge they caused.

03-07-2003, 12:30 PM
My wife is from the East Coast and still has one of those ice-scrapers in her glove-compartment. It was the first time I ever saw once since I`m in Los Angeles. When she told me she used it to scrape ice off her windshield AND hood, I had it destroyed immediately!

03-07-2003, 02:40 PM
I`ve worked for several new car dealerships in the past, and ALL of them at one time or another used push brooms to clear heavy snow from new cars. I can`t tell you if they were regular floor brooms or not, but it didn`t look right. A couple of them used magnetic dealer license plates for test drives as well. Ouch!

03-07-2003, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by asjk07

When she told me she used it to scrape ice off her windshield AND hood, I had it destroyed immediately!

You did the right thing!

Nick T.
03-07-2003, 03:08 PM
For many (most?) people a car is only a tool, a magic box that gets them from point A to point B with the least amount of hassle, just transportation! They buy a new car because it provides reliable transportation, not because it has pretty paint. Modern paints and clearcoats are abuse resistant enough that they can go 3 or 4 or more years without even washing the car, and given a wash and wax at trade-in time little or no value is lost. They think that spending several hours each week detailing a car is a waste of valuable time which could be spent doing something much more important such as watching TV or being with family (and maybe they’re right). Think how loving your wife or GF would be if you spent as much time caressing her as you do caressing your car!

Cut these guys with ice scrappers and brooms some slack! Not everyone is obsessed with their car’s appearance, nor should they be!

03-07-2003, 05:40 PM
I went to go buy a new blazer in 1999. I was looking at a black one and ON THE HOOD they had taken a yeloow shoe polish and wrote WOW! on the hood. So I had them remove it and scratched into the hood were about 40 million deep scratches with the word WOW! basically engraved. I pointed it out to the GM of the dealer and from the showroom I could see about 50 cars.with various writing. Needless to say I didn`t take that Blazer.

03-07-2003, 05:50 PM
:shocked Wow thats sad, how did they expect to sell any cars??? True not many people care about the paint on their car, but there are many more who would look on in disapproval and that would kill alot of selling opportunities for the dealer....

03-07-2003, 05:57 PM
Fact is when alot of people go to buy a car, the `red mist` descends and they get the `gotta have it` syndrome.

Why ya think so many people pay alot for a Ford/Chevy etc POS thats been lathered in silicone dressing so it looks nice for the 5mins it takes said lunatics to sign on the dotted line.

I made a rule where no matter how much I wanted something, I say `ill think about it`, sleep on it and go back the next day.

More than once ive gone back the next day and thanked myself i stuck to my guns and said `NO Thanks`.

03-10-2003, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by Smoker

I made a rule where no matter how much I wanted something, I say `ill think about it`, sleep on it and go back the next day.

More than once ive gone back the next day and thanked myself i stuck to my guns and said `NO Thanks`.

Me too Smoker. If they think you`re sprung on the car, then negotiating is pretty much over. You`re at their mercy. "no vaseline"

03-10-2003, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Nick T.

For many (most?) people a car is only a tool, a magic box that gets them from point A to point B with the least amount of hassle, just transportation! They buy a new car because it provides reliable transportation, not because it has pretty paint. Modern paints and clearcoats are abuse resistant enough that they can go 3 or 4 or more years without even washing the car, and given a wash and wax at trade-in time little or no value is lost. They think that spending several hours each week detailing a car is a waste of valuable time which could be spent doing something much more important such as watching TV or being with family (and maybe they’re right). Think how loving your wife or GF would be if you spent as much time caressing her as you do caressing your car!

Cut these guys with ice scrappers and brooms some slack! Not everyone is obsessed with their car’s appearance, nor should they be!

People don`t have to be Autopian in nature, but using ice scrapers and brooms on paint isn`t very smart. You would think common sense would tell people that. What`s one of the most expensive things on a new vehicle? You guessed it, the paint job. An average repaint for a daily driver can easily run $3,000, and can be higher depending the car. You might not have to baby the paint like we do, but destroying it for no good reason, and reducing the resale value by thousands of dollars, isn`t acceptable IMO. So on that basis, I cut them no slack. :cool:

03-10-2003, 09:52 AM
Here`s a great example of a bonehead. I can call him a bonehead because he is married to my sister. :D She told me that she hesitated to even show me this picture because she knew I would flip. He got an ear full from me, that`s for sure.

03-10-2003, 10:28 AM
Classic photo, sorry you are related to this guy. Maybe you should have said it was your neighbor or something, well then again you didn`t pick him.

03-10-2003, 10:41 AM
We use the word "related" loosely around here. The way I figure it, if my sister and Brian got a divorce then he wouldn`t be related to me anymore. I just keep telling myself that and I feel better. It has taken some serious work to get my nephew to see the error of his father`s ways. When I go out there we detail his matchbox cars together. lol One time when I was up there they all got a coat of PPG. :p