View Full Version : Engine detailing

03-05-2003, 10:17 PM
I have APC+ and EK coming early next week.

Here`s the idea: on a cold engine, liberally spray APC+ (diluted to 4:1, of course) all over. Agitate if necessary and rinse with as little pressure as possible.

Now, after that, should I do a little drying before the EK? I`m guessing yes, but I`m just curious. I mean, damn, some people intentionally water down their EK, so I`m kinda wondering about that.

03-05-2003, 10:21 PM
What`s EK? If it is a dressing, then I usually dry the engine all the way before I dress anything.

03-06-2003, 08:17 AM
Oops. I`ve gotten used to referring to Meg`s Engine Kote as just "EK." What I was saying was that some people water down their EK to promote a better overall spray if they had problems otherwise. So, assuming I`d be using it straight, I would think that the engine does not really have to be terribly dry at all.

No? :)

03-06-2003, 11:47 AM
Polaris- First, I`ve NEVER used EK, so uhm, :rolleyes: . But anyhow, just remember that there can be a BIG difference between diluting a product and applying it to a wet/damp surface. I`m thinking spotting, blotchy appearance, uneven application, etc. You really might oughta hassle with the drying. Maybe just run the engine for a while and then let it cool back down, or use an air hose or even a hair dryer. BTW, I get better engine cleaning results when it`s a little warm, not stone cold.

03-06-2003, 01:55 PM
Apply your Engine Kote after the engine is completely cool and dry. A couple of light applications will work much better than trying to saturate everything at once. ;)

03-06-2003, 05:54 PM
Alrighty then, I`ll do that. Thanks for the advice/thoughts, guys.

(I`m impatiently waiting for my goodies on Mon/Tues...)