View Full Version : I`m gonna kick their a****

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03-04-2003, 12:17 PM
:scared I can`t believe this!!! Check it out!!!


Bobby G
03-04-2003, 12:19 PM
How do you spell "bone heads?" :nono

03-04-2003, 12:24 PM
No respect, I tell ya. No respect at all. :doh

03-04-2003, 12:57 PM
Okay....I don`t know if that made it`s way into Dave`s Rant list, but it should have.:nono

03-04-2003, 02:14 PM
That should be a crime! Five years minimum! :mad:

Steve @ Guru
03-04-2003, 03:41 PM
I would just like to point out that these are apparently the same folks who did a wax test that was similar to ours... :rolleyes:

Yeah, real good job there guys...

03-04-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by geekysteve

I would just like to point out that these are apparently the same folks who did a wax test that was similar to ours... :rolleyes:

Yeah, real good job there guys...

Yeah, I noticed that, too, Steve....I guess you gets what youse pays for...theirs was free, so it`s worth.....nah, I won`t say it. ;)

03-04-2003, 05:15 PM
Arrrgh!! :scared :angry Someone smack some sense into those guys with a rotary (where`s NYD... ).

03-04-2003, 06:24 PM
Well, to each his own...?! :rolleyes:

Detailing NY
03-04-2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by ExplEddieBauer

:scared I can`t believe this!!! Check it out!!!


Please no public theats over the forum :):rolleyes:

03-04-2003, 07:29 PM
Interesting note to there wax test was that Zaino attracted way more dust than Malms! I believe that was some of the purpose of the outing if you read the full article.

Check out this pic and see the difference:

Report Page (http://www.deckowski.com/wax%20off/durability.htm)

03-04-2003, 07:41 PM
In their defense, at least they aren`t afraid to do a little off-roading with there cars.

But, to this forum, it IS a slap in the face. Especially the writing, I mean come on.

03-04-2003, 08:03 PM
I guess I`m not autopian enough to get my panties tied in a knot about this.

As long as it isn`t on my truck :D

Tim Lingor
03-04-2003, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by Intel486

I guess I`m not autopian enough to get my panties tied in a knot about this.

As long as it isn`t on my truck :D

Agreed!! If they have enough money to both own that SUV and 4 wheel it, that is up to them!!

But it does bug me how some people are so careless with such a nice piece of machinery!!:mad:

03-04-2003, 10:13 PM
that is Tom Dee, hes actually a member of this forum.