View Full Version : question on wax/sealants

03-03-2003, 06:57 PM
Hey everyone, First time posting . I have been using a sealant/polish called platinum ultimate paint protection and it works great, but unlike most other brands, there is no third step in the process just a pre cleaner and then the sealant, no wax. so my questions are 1. after a sealant what is the purpose of the third step, usually a caranuba wax? I have heard that it is not necessary, I have heard that it is a protectant for the sealant, and ,or that it adds shine/gloss/depth. 2. Does anybody here have experience with platinum products, how does it stack up against the other top products? thanks for the help guys,


03-03-2003, 07:48 PM
I`ve been using UPP with pretty good success topping it with a carnauba. I use P21S to top it and it looks great. I`ve used other waxes to with no problem. Most sealant systems don`t include a carnauba topper. In fact, the ones I know of just have the cleaner and then the sealant. Zaino is a bit more complex than that, but its still the same basic thing. You should have no problem topping UPP with a wax after the UPP has cured properly.

Do a little searching on Platinum. There are some really good reviews and write ups on how it has worked for people. There is a really long one close to the top in the Product Review forum. Happy hunting and welcome to Autopia! :xyxthumbs

03-03-2003, 09:11 PM
Heff, I think you just got a little confused. Not every wax/sealant process has three steps of course that is what we are used to. I have used the platinum system on two cars so far. What they do is combine the cleaner and polish into one which is the UPC. The UPP is the final layer. Topping this layer with a carnauba wax is extra not included in the process. I would put at least two layers and then experiment with a carnauba, but remember once you add a carnauba you cannot apply more UPP. Also the UPC is not a very strong cleaner if you need to clean the paint I would recommend a product like meg`s medallion cleaner before the UPC.