View Full Version : Protective Properties of Zaino & Klasse SG

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03-03-2003, 03:50 PM
I’ve been a long-time lurker of this forum (way before it required registration) back when there were a lot of Klasse vs. Zaino debates and decided to do a test of the protective abilities of Zaino vs. Klasse AIO/SG.

The left side of my car was layered with three coats of Z-2 and the right side of my car was layered with KAIO & three coats of KSG. I maintained the car regularly by washing weekly with Mother’s car wash & sometimes Q.E.W. QD-ing was done after each wash with Z-6 on the left and Meg#34 on the right. I kept the car outside 24/7 and used it to commute about 50 miles per day.

I was lucky to get some rain the past few weeks because the acid rain we get here in L.A. would really put the products to the test.

It’s been almost 4 months now and the results are as follows. Keep in mind that this is a very subjective evaluation:

1. Zaino side is slicker and beads water better.

2. Klasse side is smoother with distinctly less water-spotting and embedded contaminants and stains.

3. Zaino side was regularly dustier than the Klasse side.

4. Swirls and light scratches are more visible on the Zaino side.

5. Diminishment in shine is negligible. Both sides look absolutely gorgeous.

The thing that really stood out in my mind is the smoothness of the Klasse side. Although slickness was highly diminished, the side being protected by Klasse felt very smooth with very little contamination. Not bad for a car sitting outside all the time in a city known for its smog. I can’t say the same thing about Zaino. Therefore, in my humble opinion, the level of protection afforded by Klasse (in MY situation) is measurably higher than the level provided by Zaino. Once again, I`d like to emphasize that this is the result of my own, possibly biased & definitely subjective testing.

I took some photos, but they don’t show anything at all. The next time my car starts getting dusty, I’ll take a photo showing the dust layer because the difference in dust repellency between the two products is quite dramatic.

03-03-2003, 04:09 PM
great comparison. thanks for the info.:xyxthumbs

03-03-2003, 05:38 PM
Thanks for proving what the Klasse people have always know. Klasse is the best :D

03-03-2003, 07:08 PM
Thanks for doing this test asjk07. :xyxthumbs I wonder if the difference in swirling and smoothness have anything to do with the subtle differences between the purposes or SG and Z-2. IMO, Klasse SG is more comparable to Z-5 in intended function, but that doesn`t invalidate the test or anything since Z-2 and SG are both products that (usually) end up sitting on top anyway.

It`s also interesting that the Z side is dustier despite the regular use of Z-6 (which people often recommend to prevent this).

Just out of curiousity, when are you thinking of ending the test?

Again, thanks - I love tests like these. :)

03-03-2003, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by Intel486

Thanks for proving what the Klasse people have always know. Klasse is the best :D

LoL, better than Profection? :D

Well, let`s not jump to any conclusions. This is just one highly unscientific experiment and there were undoubtedly many variables which could have been affecting what was going on.

An alternative viewpoint would be that most Klasse & Zaino users here seem to take pretty good care of their cars and so if there is any less protection from using Z, perhaps it`s made up in the slickness/beading department as well as its unique mirror-like shine.

03-03-2003, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by 4DSC

Thanks for doing this test asjk07. :xyxthumbs I wonder if the difference in swirling and smoothness have anything to do with the subtle differences between the purposes or SG and Z-2. IMO, Klasse SG is more comparable to Z-5 in intended function, but that doesn`t invalidate the test or anything since Z-2 and SG are both products that (usually) end up sitting on top anyway.

It`s also interesting that the Z side is dustier despite the regular use of Z-6 (which people often recommend to prevent this).

Just out of curiousity, when are you thinking of ending the test?

Again, thanks - I love tests like these. :)

No problem at all.

Good points. Since my main goal was to get an idea of which product protected my car better, I decided to go with Z-2.....just to keep `protection` on a perfectly level playing field (theoretically speaking).

The only reason why I included the assessment on the visibility of swirls was because IMO, Z-5 doesn`t fill swirls any better than Z-2 (i.e. they both don`t do anything filling at all), and I`ve been using both products for a few years now. But I see what you`re saying because without actually using a few coats of Z-5, I`m not being perfectly fair to Zaino.

But the smoothness, water-marks & stains comparison is real. The Klasse side still feels glassy smooth, doesn`t have any wet-leaf stains and water-marks come off easily...but none of this is true on the Zaino side.

I`m pretty much done testing and am pretty eager to try out something new. 4 months is the most I`ll ever go before doing another major detailing session on my cars. I`d be interested in how well Mother`s Reflections holds up against Klasse, but the only problem is that it`s not layerable!

03-03-2003, 07:54 PM
Thank you very much for the extended review. That makes me glad that I got Klasse instead of Zaino. Good job!!

03-03-2003, 08:13 PM
You know, I have some Z2 that I need to test out still. Haven`t gotten around to it.

Maybe I`ll do a test like this... hmmmm... :)

03-03-2003, 08:41 PM
Although I`ve never used Klasse, I find your conclusions on Zaino to be about the same as mine. A lot of dust and waterspots. In fact, it only took a few hour for waterspots to etch into the Z pretty deep. Zaino also highlights swirls more because of it`s optical clarity.

Keep up the good work! I love these tests!

03-05-2003, 02:32 PM
One thing to think about...

Did you alternate the way you parked your car, both at home and at work. I ask this because if you parked the same "direction" everyday, one side is getting more sun then the other. But, I`m a Klasse guy anyway, so you`ve validated what I already think. Just adding to the test conditions.

03-05-2003, 03:08 PM
No, I didn`t do that. However, I park on the street everyday at home because I don`t have a drive way. Depending on what`s available and when the streets are being cleaned, I park on both sides of the street.

At work, I park in the same place everyday, so that definitely could have affected my results.

03-05-2003, 03:31 PM
I have used both, both are good. I do agree though that klasse is better in what I look for that is why I now use it . Good review especially about the amount of dust (there really is a noticable amount in zaino).

03-06-2003, 09:51 PM
what is the difference between slickness and smooth? can the properties be explained to me ? smooth as glass slick as ?:nixweiss


03-07-2003, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by thom

what is the difference between slickness and smooth? can the properties be explained to me ? smooth as glass slick as ?:nixweiss


Smoothness is if you feel bumps or if it feels uniformly level. But, this may not mean it feels slick. Something that feels slick means your hand slides easily over it. Imagine if you poured some oil on your hood. That would make it very slick without making it any smoother. Similarly, glass is quite smooth, yet it can often be very grabby and hard to slide your hand quickly across. So they are two different things.

03-09-2003, 10:48 PM
Klasse is a much stronger protectant/glaze than Zaino. I like the klasse duo much much better than Zaino.