View Full Version : Solely Klasse AIO

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03-03-2003, 02:48 PM
I had a question about Klasse All In One. Is it feasible to use AIO as your primary protection against the elements or is it just like Pinnacles Paintwork Cleansing Lotion.

I bought it with the label saying that it did provide some protection, is the sealant glaze the real star of the combination?

Or is it basically like Scottie Pippen without Michael Jordan - okay by itself, but great together.

03-03-2003, 03:08 PM
AIO contains some protection, but it is more of a polish like PPCL. If you want the long lasting protection, you`ll want to add a layer of SG after AIO.

How long AIO lasts is dependent on your local conditions. Most of the figures I`ve seen on the BB have the longevity of AIO at around 2-3 months. Double that if SG is used.


03-03-2003, 03:16 PM
Yup. I`d have to agre with ema there. AIO is an awesome paint cleaner but doesn`t really do much else for the car from what I can tell. If the car looks better after using it then its usually just because its now cleaner than it has been in the past. A layer of SG would definitely enhance the appearance and easily double the durability and protection.

03-03-2003, 03:25 PM
With that said - is there anything else out there other than the SG to put on top of the AIO.

I have some Zaino Z-2 laying around the house.

03-03-2003, 03:27 PM
I layer Platinum UPP on top of AIO most as of late. I have had really good success layering SG and UPP on top of each other too. I don`t know about layering Z on top. I`ve never tried it. AIO is a pretty good start for any product though. Its pretty much just cleaning the surface and not putting down anything that woud create bonding problems with anything else. Z should be fine.

03-03-2003, 03:33 PM
There are many products you can put on top of the AIO. It depends on how frequently you plan to wash/wax your car and whether you want a synthetic or carnuba wax on top. Remember that once you apply a carnuba wax over AIO, you will not be able to SG over the carnuba without starting over with AIO again.

I`m currently experimenting with multiple layers of Pinnacle Paste Glaz on top of AIO. (Before that, I was a diehard AIO/SG twins fan.) The Paste Glaz makes the paint color seem warmer compared to when I used SG. The water beading is also very nice. Disadvantage is that I have to wax more frequently (non-issue) and I get more water spots than I did with SG.

As for using Zaino on top of AIO, I`m not fond of mixing products from different synthetic wax manufacturers. By that, I mean I would not mix the use of products from Klasse, Zaino, and Blackfire.


03-03-2003, 03:43 PM
BTW I have a white car.

Is there anything you can find at your local car parts shop that you would recommend? Living in Hawaii can be limiting because many of the revered products have to be mailed at higher than 48 contiguous state prices.

I spent 20 dollars on the AIO and don`t want to spend another 20 on the SG. Or am I being cheap here?

03-03-2003, 03:52 PM
If you are going to order another product online then I`d get UPP before I get SG. That`s just me though. UPP won`t last you as long as SG does, but it is going to look great. Either UPP or the new Blackfire would be my choice.

If you are limited to what you can get off the shelf then I guess you could go for some #26 or even Meguiar`s Gold Class. Those both would look great. A sealant is what I would suggest for your climate though.

03-03-2003, 04:00 PM
If you want to pick up something off the shelf, try Meguiars #26 or One Grand Blitz wax. Another option may be to find a local Harley Davidson dealer and see if they carry S100.


03-03-2003, 06:44 PM
Also, try running a search on Collinite waxes. They have a reputation for really high durability and might even give a sealant like AIO a run for its money. A place like Hawaii should have some of this somewhere (maybe a boating shop). :)

You also probably know about him already, but if you want good MFs locally take a peek near the end of this thread: http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19775

03-03-2003, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by 4DSC

Also, try running a search on Collinite waxes. They have a reputation for really high durability and might even give a sealant like AIO a run for its money. A place like Hawaii should have some of this somewhere (maybe a boating shop). :)

hollaback, if you think you want to try some Collinite PM me. I can get it to you with very little mark up and will mail as cheap as I can using USPS.

03-03-2003, 07:58 PM
I wanted to thank everyone for the help.

I have used Collinite in the past, but Pinnacle Paste Glaz was more impressive to me. Maybe due to the ease of application if I remember correctly.

Do you guys foresee any problems placing Z-2 on top of the AIO I applied this morning? Guess there`s only one way to find out huh.

03-03-2003, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by hollaback

I wanted to thank everyone for the help.

Do you guys foresee any problems placing Z-2 on top of the AIO I applied this morning? Guess there`s only one way to find out huh.

I don`t.I `be been appl.Z-2 on top of AIO with out any problems or bonding issues.

Also I`ve been layering SG,Z-2/Z-5,BFll,UPP on top of each other with no problems.I think they are interchangeable

03-03-2003, 10:24 PM
Do you still need to place the Z-1 before the Z-2?

Or will the Z-1 and AIO not stick with each other...

03-03-2003, 11:04 PM
Yep, You would have to put Z-1 before Z-2,unless You are going to use ZFX:up