View Full Version : Does this make sense?

03-03-2003, 01:47 PM
DOes it make sense to wash, clay, Mother`s Pre-Wax Cleaner, Z-6, Z-1, Z-2, Z6, Z2 etc.... Is using Mother`s Pre-Wax Cleaner a good idea before using Zaino?

By the way...this is going to be for a brand new car. Thanks in advance!

03-03-2003, 02:20 PM
My opinion differs a bit from Ed`s. I`ve detailed many brand new cars and have never seen one that could not use a little polishing. I just detailed my mom`s new Infiniti and it needed both clay and polishing.

Use a very mild polish like PPCL or GEPC to remove light dirt, micro-marring, and any little crud bits washing and claying couldn`t handle. It certainly won`t hurt.

03-03-2003, 02:22 PM
I`m with bretfraz on this. You`ll want to do some polishing before starting the Zaino system. All new cars I see need some polishing.

03-03-2003, 05:57 PM
So what if i were to use the first 2 steps in the mothers 3 step line and then zaino...does that make sense? Im SO confused!!!

03-03-2003, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by OneBadMax

So what if i were to use the first 2 steps in the mothers 3 step line and then zaino...does that make sense? Im SO confused!!!

You have a brand new car, right? I don`t think you need a pre-wax cleaner, it might be too harsh. I suggest testing it out on a small area first to see if it does the job you want it to. If so, continue on the rest of the car. If not, use a milder polish like the ones I suggested. Do not use the Sealer Glaze from the kit, it will interfere with the Zaino.

It sounds like you have both Zaino and the Mothers kit. They kind of conflict with each other. Use one or the other.

Here are the basic steps:




*Protect with wax or sealant

You need products to do each job properly.

03-03-2003, 07:05 PM
Bret...thanks for the tips....thats exactly what I wanted to know. I have some kind of 3M polish out in the garage somewhere. I don`t want to create any swirl marks, but I do want to take out what few imperfections may be in the paint. Is this ok to use by hand seeing as how I dont have a PC or any other type of machine. Thanks again!

My mistake....what I have is the 3M IHG. Will this do the trick???

03-03-2003, 07:09 PM
Don`t feel as if you HAVE to polish. I have washed, clayed, and zainoed many new cars with awesome results. Don`t polish just to do it.....polish because the car needs it. Try and make that evaluation the best you can.

03-03-2003, 07:12 PM
Have read up on detailing articles/tutorials/eBook? They help to grasp the basics about using stuff and what`s for what job.

IHG is a glaze - just like the Mothers Step 2.