View Full Version : Ultimate Nozzle found a GREAT PRICE!

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03-02-2003, 11:47 PM
I don`t know how many of you have seen an "Ultimate Nozzle", but they usually run about $40. And Griots has their own version for $76. They are similar to a Fire Fighting Fog Nozzle.

I picked up one up for $6 on ebay about a year ago and LOVE it. They are made by BonAir, but good luck on locating them direct! I finally found their # just email me if you want it. You wouldn`t believe how many BonAire companies there are!

After searching and searching to get another one without paying $40-76. I finally found a place!

$20 Ultimate Nozzle (http://www.btindustrial.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=BIS&Product_Code=HN-10C)

Griots $76 Nozzle (http://www.griotsgarage.com/catalog.jsp?&SKU=11590)

Never have done business with the $20 place, and after 3 emails they did email me back saying they WOULD NOT reduce the price if bought in bulk. I was thinking group purchase in the back of my mind. So response was slow via the internet, but they said they do have them in stock (might want to call if you get serious and want one). Since it is an industrial supply company they may have a min. order. Not sure of that either, but I am certain it is the cheapest place I have found!

Anyways, this is about the best deal I have found if anyone was looking for one of these or has hesitated because of price. And also Griots offers a shut off valve for an additional $40. Go to HD and in there gardening section is a really nice brass vavle for about $4. It uses a ball valve type closure but works great!

I like mine so much that it is up there with my PC in terms of necessity! I would love to see DavidB add this item to his product line! I bet wholesale is probably $10 or less and you could add a small mark up and viola. I would rather pay Autopia $20 then an unknown!

I guess this ended up kinda as a review, but when I am lazy and don`t use my pressure washer this is the only way I go. The only down side is that you need to have decent water pressure/flow or these won`t work real well for you due to the large flow capability they seem to have.

03-03-2003, 02:32 AM
This picked nit has no bearing on the quality of the nozzle nor the info work done by dr427 - BUT I distrust people that run sloppy web sites. Went to the btindustrial.com home page and they have a contest teaser still up, for a contest that ended on January 31st.

I hate to think an order might take 30 plus days to process!:nono

Nick T.
03-03-2003, 02:48 AM
Instead of a nozzle I just use an on/off valve (costs about $1 at any hardware store) and control the sray or flooding with my thumb.

03-03-2003, 03:24 AM
After doing a lot of personal debate about nozzles, I concluded I still liked my hoary old gun-style nozzle. It`s one of those old snap-on Gardena type ones with a lockable trigger and you twist the barrel to adjust the pattern. If I were to couple this with a flow valve I would think it capable of most jobs.

03-03-2003, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by Nick T.

Instead of a nozzle I just use an on/off valve (costs about $1 at any hardware store) and control the spray or flooding with my thumb.

Put about a foot of hose after the valve and you have a great tool for sheet rinsing.


03-03-2003, 07:52 AM
I just recently picked up a spray nozzle made by Turtle Wax, and it`s great. It has the varying spray patterns (stream, jet, shower, soaker, etc.) a very comfortable handle and was only about $7.00.

For my needs, I thought this was a great deal. ;)

PS - Charles, I have some foam pads to ship you real soon. :D

03-03-2003, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by titus

This picked nit has no bearing on the quality of the nozzle nor the info work done by dr427 - BUT I distrust people that run sloppy web sites. Went to the btindustrial.com home page and they have a contest teaser still up, for a contest that ended on January 31st.

I hate to think an order might take 30 plus days to process!:nono

I agree they might not have an online ordering system that works. Heck it took 3 emails to get a reply, but they may have a great catalog/phone ordering system. I have never done business, so I can`t say. I just know after an exhausting research they have the best price (if you can get one in a reasonable amount of time).

Quality of the nozzle. It weighs about a pound is feels solid as a rock. I believe it to have ball bearings like griots as well (very smooth twisting action). Feels indescructable and could be left outside all year with no problems. I was going through a new nozzle every year when I bought any type of plastic one. The hot summers here just caused the plastic to break down. And the twist spray pattern ones started to clog or became difficult to turn. The little brass twist ones aren`t bad, but don`t put the volume of water this one does. The gun trigger types always endup sticking open. I was getting tired of all that. Plus I got mine for only $6 on ebay, but I would pay $20 for one now that I have gotten to use one. I wouldn`t pay $76 though!

If your looking for a very high quality nozzle that could probably be passed on to your kids this one is it. If you love having 15 patterns and don`t mind buying a new one every few years, or don`t mind ones that inevitably leak or don`t want to spend $20 on a permant nozzle move on.

But many here want the best of everything, so I thought I would mention this item that I feel is proably the best quality nozzle out.

I actually did find 2 on ebay now, but not for what I paid:

$26.99 Shipped (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=20542&item=2310770351)

$29.95 Similar, but not exactly the same (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=20542&item=2310618526&rd=1)

03-03-2003, 11:35 AM
EBAY sale is over but I went to the BT Industrial Supply site you listed and ordered two for $39.90 plus shipping of $6.48 for a total cost of $46.38. I am tired of buying a new nosel every year and will try this on your recommedation. Will let you know when I receive it.

03-03-2003, 12:35 PM
I know you won`t be disappointed in the nozzle:up :xyxthumbs :up :xyxthumbs

My Labrador tried to eat mine last summer and she usually can tear anything up. All that happen was a few tooth marks on the rubber. She couldn`t even eat the tire like rubber off. VERY durable. When you get the nozzle it may be stiff the first few times (at least mine was) until you get the bearings or grease worked.

Now hopefully their online ordering is okay!

Let us know how their ordering works out.

I called BonAire direct this morning tyring to see if I can buy in bulk. Heck, I`ll resell them on ebay if the price is right! Awaiting a salesman`s return call:rolleyes:

I notice the ebay seller is in Canada. Our Canadian friends might email him if they are interested in one.

I also noticed in a ended auction search his prices have gone from originally offering them at $18.99 to now $28.99 US!!! He just listed another.

04-06-2003, 09:50 AM
Nozzle wars.... I love it!

On the www.firehouse.com forums, there are constant discussions about nozzles for firefighting.... smoothbore vs. fog nozzle, Akron vs. Elkhart vs. TFT vs, Vindicator, etc. etc.

04-06-2003, 10:29 AM

04-06-2003, 10:57 AM
I bought the nozzle from BT Industries. Their service is excellent I ordered and three days later the nozzle was at my front door. Added a brass shut off valve that I bought at Lowes and couldn`t be more pleased. Also put a quick connect (also obtained at Lowes) to the hose so the whole set-up is very quick and trouble free. The nozzle is the best I`ve ever used......don`t know why I waited so long.

04-06-2003, 11:02 AM
I bought a shutoff valve too, but found it WAY too restrictive. Upon close inspection I realized the opening of the nozzle was nearly the full 5/8" of the hose and the shutoff valve I added was only about 1/4". I took the valve off, but left my brass quick connect on. I found a BIG perfomance difference between having the shutoff valve on versus off. If you want a shutoff valve my recommendation is too be sure and get the largest inside diameter you can find!

04-06-2003, 03:28 PM
I was using a Y with this shower attachment which would allow me to get a blast or a high volume soft flow. Then I saw this jet attachemnt and now my Frankenstien nozzle is complete. The jet shoots out a 7mm rod of water that keeps together pretty well. The shower gives me lots of water without lots of velocity.

04-06-2003, 06:11 PM
I paid $76 for the Griot`s nozzle and am glad I did. Worth every penny! I have had it for 5 years. The rubber dropped down from the top of it from repeated 4 foot falls to the concrete and I sent it back. 1 week later I had a brand new one free! Can`t beat that service. Sure you pay for it, but there is a lifetime satisfaction warranty with everything you buy.

As with anything, you get what you pay for.
