View Full Version : s100/p21s vs. Zymol... an unbiased comparison

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02-27-2003, 11:17 PM
OK well maybe it`s not unbiased... I`ll let you all decide. Please disregard my user title! :D :D

Alright I recently was suckered into buying some s100 since all of you talk about it, and I was feeling left out. No one likes to feel left out, ya know? :p Anyways, I recently did SMR/SEPC/S100 on my hood. It`s been snowing almost non stop for the past three weeks, so I really don`t know about durability. I haven`t even been able to wash the car since that time. However, I will comment on the ease of use:

SEPC vs HD-Cleanse - the SEPC 10 times easier to use than HD-Cleanse, and I had been using the zymol cleaner for about two years. As noted, the zymol cleaner is more aggressive than the SEPC, but for the ease of use of the SEPC, especially with a PC, it wins big time. However, after using the SMR and then applying the SEPC, I couldn`t tell a difference. No difference in shine or anything. When I first SMR`d and then HD-Cleansed, it made the paint deeper. (The car this was applied on was dark blue).

s100 wax vs Zymol Carbon - I`m not comparing the concours or the estate line or anything like that. I was already deeped crazy by my friends when I spent $40 in the first place for a wax. Hell if I`ll spend $150 and then have to apply it with my big clumsy hands. The neighbors already think I`m crazy with my dealings with cars. If they seem me rubbing my car with my hands to apply wax, they are going to stop talking to me! Anyways, on to the comparison. The Zymol Carbon is tricky to apply. You need to do small areas because it dries VERY quickly, and be sure to use a VERY small amount. After you apply it in a side to side motion, you need to quickly use a clean cotton towel and with one big, gentle wipe, wipe the in the opposite direction of which you applied (when you apply front to back, wipe horizontally). This allows the wax to crystalize and makes removal much easier. Let it sit for 20 seconds (less if it is very hot outside, a little longer if it is cold - however Zymol waxes espcially from my testing do not apply well in under 50 degree weather) and then remove with a microfiber cloth. When applying the s100, apply side to side, let sit for a few seconds, wipe off. Easy as that, and no residue left behind (but neither does the Zymol). It seems that the s100 does the exact same as the carbon, but for a less price (you can`t beat $15 bucks can you?). However, I much prefer how the zymol dissipates water. When you drive and their is water beading on your hood, in 30 seconds all the water will be gone, water just runs right off - it`s pretty fun to watch and a few of my passengers who know nothing about cars have even commented on it. The s100 I noticed in the rain gets huge water beads and is much slower to run off of the car. I will mention that the s100 is "slicker" whereas the Zymol seems not so slick after the wax is applied. In terms of how many waxes per can, I have had my 8 ounce can of zymol for over two years, and have detailed a LOT of cars on it. In terms of smell (if anyone cares), the s100 smells awful compared to the sweet smell of the zymol.

Now which one is better? I have no clue. I do have to say however, I Zymol`d (HD-Cleanse/Carbon) my BMW near the beginning of November, and now, the end of february after being driven through numerous snow storms on on the beltway daily, the water still beads on the car, and the surface is smooth. Down near the wheel wells on the lower part of the fender the water doesn`t bead anymore, but that is normal in my opinion. Can`t comment on the s100 since I haven`t touched it in 3 weeks.

In terms of reflection, the s100 seems to be more liquid like, whereas the zymol seems to be sharper. Maybe this is because of the cleansers being fairly different? I`m not sure which one I like more, but I am leaning towards the zymol.

I guess I`m not jumping in circles like everyone else about s100, because I can`t tell much of a difference. I am planning in the spring on using SEPC and then topping with Zymol Carbon on the BMW, but I am not sure how the carbon is going to be without HD-Cleanse as it`s base.

Bottom line: If you have zymol and you find it easy to use (it`s tricky at first), then don`t spend your money on s100. If you are looking for a cheap wax but produces good results, then go s100.

I only have pics of both the cars with the Zymol, but I`ll throw them up so I can have a visual of what I am saying,

This is the BMW after it`s first wash after applying the Zymol:


This is the jetta (hood half opened) after SMR/HD-Cleanse/Carbon:


If someone could throw up some s100 sepc/wax pics for comparison, that would be good.

Anyways, just figured I`d post this to see other people`s opinions.

- Anthony

02-27-2003, 11:26 PM
I can not give an opinion on which wax is better because I have not used either one. I do have a question though: What are you using on your tires? I really like the look not to shiney but not too "dull" either....

02-27-2003, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by BIGkev1001

I can not give an opinion on which wax is better because I have not used either one. I do have a question though: What are you using on your tires? I really like the look not to shiney but not too "dull" either....

To answer your question, since I replaced that picture, I use Stoner More Shine Less Time for Tires. The stuff is amazing.

02-28-2003, 12:50 AM
I think anything short of a side-by-side (same car/panel) comparison will not be worth comparing as camera metering, actual paint condition, light conditions will throw in too much variables...

nice ride btw.

02-28-2003, 01:06 AM
Very nicely done. No matter if it`s Zymol or S100, as long as you are happy with the results, you have a winner. Personally, I don`t feel the urge to dish out "$150" for car wax. However, the "good feeling" that makes you smile by knowing you have Zymol on your hood, is priceless.


02-28-2003, 01:43 AM
Well, I wouldn`t say your opinion is that unbiased since you alreay use and like Zymol. What I don`t understand is that by your own admission that Zymol and their cleanser are harder to use, the results are similar, but you say:

"Bottom line: If you have zymol and you find it easy to use (it`s tricky at first), then don`t spend your money on s100. If you are looking for a cheap wax but produces good results, then go s100."

Seems like S100 would be the one to buy, based on that statement. You make Zymol sound like too much of a hassle to even bother with...or am I misreading what you mean?

If you feel that the extra work and cost are worth a slight difference, then do what makes you happy. :nixweiss

You wanted some S100 pics for comparison? Here ya go...bear in mind I majored in photography and I use print film, which IMO is still better than digital, so that may positively affect the pics I take.





02-28-2003, 02:04 AM
Seems like S100 would be the one to buy, based on that statement. You make Zymol sound like too much of a hassle to even bother with...or am I misreading what you mean?

I will agree that the HD-Cleanse is harder to use than the SEPC, but I prefer the shine it leaves.

I`m saying it`s trickier to use than s100, and maybe because of this, in some weird torture type of way, that is one reason why I like it more?

The wax however I like more merely because of the way it dissipates the water.

My opinion may be slightly biased, because in my eyes, I haven`t seen anything that would make me say "why did I waste my money on zymol?" I guess I`m looking for a product that will make me say that, and from the talks on this forum about how bad zymol is and how amazing s100 is, then I guess I had high hopes. That`s all.....

02-28-2003, 02:28 AM
adg44-honestly, if your paint is already in excellent condition, it is going to be very hard to tell the differences in waxes. I have to ultimately test products on customer`s cars instead of my own, since the paint always looks top notch. When I test on mine, I am mainly making sure what I am trying does not diminish the gloss and depth of the shine.

02-28-2003, 02:46 AM
adg44-honestly, if your paint is already in excellent condition, it is going to be very hard to tell the differences in waxes

I have to agree with you 100%. I`ll split the hood on my sisters beetle in half (it`s in awful shape) and test out the s100 and the Zymol on the hood and use that as a comparison for next time.

- Anthony

02-28-2003, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by adg44

My opinion may be slightly biased, because in my eyes, I haven`t seen anything that would make me say "why did I waste my money on zymol?" I guess I`m looking for a product that will make me say that, and from the talks on this forum about how bad zymol is and how amazing s100 is, then I guess I had high hopes. That`s all.....

Q for you - after your test, would you say the opposite? "Why did I waste my money on S100?"

I agree that showing pictures of other cars is arbitrary because of difference lighting, cameras, etc. But, this was when I first used S100 over Zaino (http://mywebpages.comcast.net/atiedje/Cars/F-150/DSCN2044%20(Large).JPG) last September. These were last week (http://mywebpages.comcast.net/atiedje/Cars/F-150/Winter/) when I had a chance to try S100 SEPC and then a coat of S100 wax, these are after a couple coats of Zaino Z5 (http://members.core.com/~atiedje/F-150/) a year and a half ago. Never tried Zymol. The truck is daily driven, never garaged, 4yrs 65k miles old, and needs better prep work once it warms up. But I still think it looks outstanding for the little effort S100 is.


GP Infinity
02-28-2003, 09:02 AM
I was reading your post (very well written) and then got totally confused when I got to the punch line.. HUH? I would have believed that you would have been a S100 convert.. I would have had a hard justifying to my self the 10x more cost for the Zymol over the S100 for similar results and easier application. IMO, I can live with the difference in water beading.. Heck, I can live with a bit shorter life.. so I am :nixweiss as to where you are coming from but thats ok.. I like to see differences of opinion so that we have all kinds of products to choose from.. I myself changed to S100 from Griots Best of Show because of ease of application, lifespan of product and Price(!!)

Be happy with what you use..


P.S. I do want to see your report on the results you get after doing your sister`s car.. should prove to be interesting

02-28-2003, 09:06 AM

He used Zymol Carbon which is about $37/jar, not $140. Still, I kind of agree. If another product produces the same results for significantly less moeny, I`d be inlcined ot use it. From his review, I don`t find any dissappointment with it except the water beading thing. like he said, maybe he just like the extra effort or, he wants to be different.

02-28-2003, 10:19 AM
It`s hard to tell the difference bewteen waxes unless they are done side by side on the same car. The paint may be better on another car or the lighting could be different. There are a lot of factors that play into the optics of a product. Even when you see them side by side, it is hard to tell the difference. Its especially hard to tell the difference with a camera.

One thing I noticed about Zymol is that it darkens the paint a bit. That could account for the sharper look you noticed. I`ve got a white car so I`m not going to notice reflection as much as I`ll notice other things that maybe someone with a black car wouldn`t notice. Darkening the color is a surefire way to get some better reflection though.

I don`t know how many of us have really expensive jars of wax sitting around in our garages, but you are right. It is a good wax and if you`ve got it and you like it then there isn`t any reason to change. However, if you don`t have a wax that you are happy with, then I would recommend S100/P21S. It can compete and hold its own against waxes that cost 10 times as much. I won`t say that either wax is better than the other one, because we all know that it doesn`t matter. Besides, we had this discussion before about value and worth. Just because I pay X number of dollars for a wax doesn`t mean that is what it is worth.

What is the durability factor of the Carbon? How many weeks does it last? In the absence of any optical difference then one is left with durability. I know the Vintage doesn`t last more than a couple weeks. Does Carbon hold up better?

Thanks for the review! Well written. :xyxthumbs

02-28-2003, 10:42 AM
Curious, other than the $10 difference in price, is there any other difference between S100 and P21s?

02-28-2003, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by aiiee

Curious, other than the $10 difference in price, is there any other difference between S100 and P21s?

There are some threads actually dedicated to that question. I don`t have the links for you or else I`d direct you there. Some searches should find them though. Try searching with "p21s s100 same" or something like that.