View Full Version : Tried Out Blackfire 2 (pics)

02-27-2003, 10:40 PM
Well got to really test Blackfire 2 for the first time the other day. Went on easy, removal was OK. There were alot of streaks that QD didnt handle. I figure they will go away next wash. The surface is very slick, and the beading is awesome. SHine and reflectivity are awesome too.

Here are some pics:





02-27-2003, 10:53 PM
Nice pics Bolton. :xyxthumbs

Steve @ Guru
02-28-2003, 12:39 AM
Looking good, Bolton. What did you do for prep work? I`ve heard some common `complaints` about the BF2 streaking initially as well.

Am Looking forward to hearing more about this as time progresses...I can`t wait to get home and start testing all of the goodies that are waiting for me. :)

02-28-2003, 01:29 AM

How long did you let the BF2 dry for? I let it dry for about an hour or so, and removal was very easy - no streaking at all, even in the places where I probably put it on thicker than I should have. Is it very humid in NC this time of year? Cold? Maybe the weather had something to do with it. :nixweiss


02-28-2003, 01:39 AM
I get streaking with the polish, but not with the Protectant.....I find the polish difficult at times, especially on black, but black is normally more difficult than most other colors...I did a Lexus last week, and was really ready to toss the BF II, but when you sit back when your all done, its purely amazing what the results are !

02-28-2003, 01:48 AM
Glad you finally got some quality time in BJ. :xyxthumbs

Nice pics everyone!

02-28-2003, 08:43 AM
Steve as far as prep work, I did none. It needs to be clayed and lightly polished, but im not gonna even waste my time doing it until winter is over. Its already dirty and salty again.

I let it dry for like 15 minutes and it was kinda cool out, so that may have been some of the problem with my streaking, hopefully after next wash, it will be streak-free. But it looks even better in person than it does in the pics so im pretty happy with it.

As far as washes go, what have those who have been using bf2, been using on it? Everyone like the bf wash?

02-28-2003, 12:54 PM
I use the BF wash in the winter time. as I don;t use carnuba`s in the winter time. I just use it cause it compliments the other BF products that I have. It does make the car look nice. When it is too cold to wax which has been pretty much everyweek this winter that and the BF QD put my mind at ease!