View Full Version : MF towel confusion

02-26-2003, 06:04 PM
I`ve read that mf towels are made to grap and lift dust etc and that they do that job well but since that`s what they do then they also do the same to wax...i.e. grab it and lift it.

It seems that using mf towels to polish a new wax job would be a bad idea.

I`ve run into two web sites now that sell mf polishing cloths with very low pile, like a very flat velvet and they say that regular mf towels should not be used for wiping off wax residue as it will lift the wax off and that the only way to go is to use the polishing cloth type mf with very low pile.

Yet it seems to me that I keep reading on this site that folks use mf towels to polish their wax jobs and to QD.

What`s up? Should mf towels be used for QD`ing....for waxing.....for anything outside of glass?

Thanks, JimS

02-26-2003, 06:23 PM
You can use MF`s for just about anything. QDing, wax and polish removal, cleaning glass, drying, cleaning wheels, wiping down door jams etc. The list is endless.

They are awesome. Makes me wonder how I lived without em.

02-26-2003, 06:58 PM
I have had good results using MF towels so far. I suppose it probably is a bad idea if you drag the MF (or any towel, for that matter) towel across non-dried wax. However, once the wax or polish has had the time to dry, MF is great for removing the residues left behind. The dry polish will be "bonded" to the paint surface which should not be easily removed by just wiping a towel across it.


02-26-2003, 06:59 PM
Yep, what Pat said. :up People at Autopia have been using terry-style MF cloths on their cars for a long time now. If it removed or did any damage to their wax jobs I`m sure it would have become an issue long ago.

I predict one day MF will largely replace cotton as the material of choice in household and cleaning towels. :cool:

02-26-2003, 07:03 PM
JimS- Heh hehm I THINK I know where you read about MF "pulling the wax off". And another place says you use their low-pile, "suede" style MF`s for removing sealants, but NOT waxes. I`m sure it can seem confusing.

Regular, plush MF works fine for wax removal. As Pats300zx and the others have said, they work fine for everything (except the ones that lint will drive you crazy if you use them on your windshield). But, for me, they never worked well for drying. Waffle-weave MF`s work GREAT for that.

The low-pile ones you mentioned do work well for removing wax and sealants. There are lots of different MF`s out there, but if you just want to keep it simple, I`d say you can get by just fine with some GOOD all-purpose ones and a waffle-weave to dry with. For the general-purpose ones, I prefer those from YoSteve (http://www.yosteveshop.homestead.com/mt.html) . For drying, I prefer the waffle-weaves from MicrofiberTech (www.microfibertech.com) .