View Full Version : Quick Shine in DIRECT Sunlight

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02-23-2003, 11:24 PM
As Scottwax has said, the Clearkote products (Moose Wax, Vanilla Moouse and Quick Shine work fine in direct sunlight. Today I tested Quick Shine to see for myself.

The test car is a black VW New Beetle that needs a wash! Under the dirt it`s been polished with 3M products and a PC so the car looks good, it`s just dirty from driving in the rain. I wanted to see how Quick Shine works on a very dirty car.

Here are the results. If the car is super hot (cannot hold your hand on it for 10 seconds) then it`s best to wait.

If you can hold your hand on the car for 10 seconds, then spray it on (it will start to steam actually) and wipe off. No streaks.

I made a movie of the test and it can be viewed by clicking on the link. BE AWARE, the file is large (4 MB)!!!


I tested Moose Was and Vanilla Moose and they also worked just fine on a warm car in direct sun! NICE!

Below are three frames from the 30 second video.

02-24-2003, 03:13 AM
Dang! I need to get broadband!

I`ll have to budget out 30 minutes to download your video. My new computer and modem are faster and while 3.9 KB/sec is faster than my old computer`s 2.7 KB/sec speed, it still is way slower than broadband.

Good info though!

02-24-2003, 03:53 AM
most QD`s i`ve used were horrible in the direct sun. I`d have to be really carefull and quick to make sure it didn`t evaporate and leave streaks. I have some Quick Shine, but haven`t gotten a chance to try it yet.

Is that the right ammount to spray for best results? With my other QDs i`ve used maybe one spray for an area that size. Or do you use more in the sunlight or when the car is dirty for better results?

02-24-2003, 04:11 AM
Quikshine tends to stay wet longer than most QDs, but yes, if the car is dirtier than just a light layer of dust or the paint is warm to the touch, you do need to use a bit more and work a smaller area.

02-24-2003, 07:45 AM
Nice one. i am scared to qd a car when it looks dirty, i always end up washing.

02-24-2003, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by Dr. Jones

Is that the right ammount to spray for best results? With my other QDs i`ve used maybe one spray for an area that size. Or do you use more in the sunlight or when the car is dirty for better results?

Actually that was a bit too much!

Less would work just the same. With the camera running, I just hit the spray bottle fast, hence a bit more than needed!

02-24-2003, 11:23 AM
:scared I hope you don`t try QD`ing the vette when dirty. :wavey

02-24-2003, 05:24 PM
I`ve never seen anyone post a video of a product test before. Very cool! Now, what are those spots on the car. Looks like they are on the lense of the camera since the reappear after you finish :D

What camera do you have?

After doing this did you see any swirls in the paint?

I really hate this... I`m going to have to spend more money on detailing products to test them... :D

02-24-2003, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Intel486

I`ve never seen anyone post a video of a product test before. Very cool! Now, what are those spots on the car. Looks like they are on the lense of the camera since the reappear after you finish :D

What camera do you have?

After doing this did you see any swirls in the paint?

I really hate this... I`m going to have to spend more money on detailing products to test them... :D

The camera is a Fuji 602. The `spots` are just reflections. I set this up quickly and really could have done a much better job watching for the proper reflections etc.

Regarding swirls, none whatsoever.

I normally never QD a dirty car. Certainly not the Vette :) But for this test I gave it a shot.

02-24-2003, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by COEX-PILOT

I normally never QD a dirty car. Certainly not the Vette :) But for this test I gave it a shot.

Do you trust it now on your vette after this test?

02-24-2003, 09:59 PM
I would say yes, IF I absolutely had to!


02-24-2003, 11:09 PM
I`m just curious... how did your towel turn out? I used similar QDs that do the same thing, but it usually requires very little pressure, a lot of product, and turning my fluffy towel all black in order not to swirl my car.

Oh, and great video! We all appreciate the extra time you spent making it.


02-24-2003, 11:36 PM
Awesome review, I have had the quickshine on my list of products to try, well this video just moved it up quite a few notches. Even if this isn`t your main QD how can you go wrong having this in your arsenal.

02-24-2003, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by BW

I`m just curious... how did your towel turn out? I used similar QDs that do the same thing, but it usually requires very little pressure, a lot of product, and turning my fluffy towel all black in order not to swirl my car.

Oh, and great video! We all appreciate the extra time you spent making it.


The towel was just as white when I finished as it was when I started. Perhaps just a little different but hardly noticable if at all.

I"ll do a better video once the car(s) get dirty again. At the moment they are all detailed!

02-25-2003, 04:23 AM
Originally posted by COEX-PILOT

The towel was just as white when I finished as it was when I started. Perhaps just a little different but hardly noticable if at all.

How could the towel be just as white and not turn black when you were QDing a dirty car?

BTW, I was just going to order a gallon of Quikshine when it hit me: How does it measure against Meguiar`s #34 Final Inspection? You see, the reason I ask is because where I live, the shipping cost is a bomb and I can readily get #34 here.