View Full Version : Soft top plastic window care revisited

Nick T.
02-23-2003, 05:16 PM
My side-by-side product comparison evaluation of Novus (http://www.novuspolish.com/), Plexus (http://www.plexusplasticcleaner.com/frames.html), and Meguiar’s (http://www.meguiars.com/) on my roadster is completed.

Novus (http://www.novuspolish.com/) is a three step product, #3 for heavy scratches, #2 for fine scratches, and #1 for cleaning and shining. My window didn’t have any really bad scratches, so I used it on a piece of plexiglass used for a desktop cover. Great results - much better than any plastic polish I’ve ever tried. There were some minor scratches on the window (deeper than micro-marring), a few water spots, and a couple of dried RaggTopp spots which I’d missed when sealing the top. Novus #2 handled all of these problems with ease. After wiping off the haze left from using #2 the window looked very clean and shiny, but I used the #1 Clean & Shine anyway. Wow … terrific sparkle - maybe even better than Plexus. For normal upkeep only #1 is needed, saving the #2 to repair minor damage. #3 is only needed when restoring an old, damaged window - or for scratches on your plastic lamp covers. Novus is a keeper - both for the window and for the lamp covers!

Plexus (http://www.plexusplasticcleaner.com/frames.html) is an aerosol single step cleaner and polish, very popular with bikers. It’s as easy to use as Novus #1 or Meguiar’s #18, but it also effectively deals with fine scratches and micro-marring. The resultant clarity and shine is close to, if not equal that of Novus #1, but without the need for a separate polish. Plexus is also a keeper!

Meguiar’s (http://www.meguiars.com/) is a three step process, #17 cleaner, #10 polish, and #18 detailer. For best results all three steps must be used. Harder to use than Novus, and much harder to use than Plexus. More work and much poorer results than the other two products.

I have contacted the manufacturers of all three products inquiring about UV protection. Both Novus and Plexus were very straightforward and said that their plastic care products provided no UV shielding. Meguiar’s has been very evasive and somewhat misleading about the protection provided by their #17, #10, and #18. At the present I’m working my way up the corporate ladder in my attempt to get a straight answer instead of “we add UV protection to all of our products”, “we’ve been in business since 1901”, “our plastic care products are used by professionals”, “our plastic care products are the best available”.

If you drive your rag top in the sun with the top up (shame on you), then I recommend a topping of 303 Aerospace Protectant. Over 98% UV blockage!

Anthony O.
02-24-2003, 12:17 PM

Great post and thanks for the heads up. I use the Novus system and love it and for up keep Iuse the Plexus.

As for Meguirs and their plastic polish, well the reason you may be getting the run around is because their plastic polish formula is really their furniture polish. Many moons ago they made manyother products and one was a furniture cleaner/polish.

One day a un-named Meguirs person told me that their plastic polish is just their furniture polish repackaged for the car industry and the price jacked up. I went to the shelve and compared both products and sure enough they were the same. Could be why we no longer see the furniture polish being sold:confused:

Why does furniture need a UV protectant?


02-24-2003, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Anthony Orosco

Why does furniture need a UV protectant?Don`t you ever pull the curtains back or open your blinds? :cool: The sun shining through your home`s windows can bleach the color out of wood furniture given enough time. It will also bleach the color out of furniture fabric.

02-24-2003, 05:21 PM
I`m currently using the Meguiar`s #17 and #10 and I think they work pretty well.

I actually think Plexus is somewhat difficult to remove as when I`ve tried it I`ve never gotten an even polish when I`m done. Anyone have any tips?

I have not tried Novus yet but it is on my agenda to get some to test out.

Nick T.
02-24-2003, 05:44 PM
Plexus use: spray on, smear around with a terry cloth, buff off with a microfiber cloth. I`ve never had any removal problems, but I`ve never let it fully dry before buffing either.