View Full Version : upp application

02-23-2003, 02:08 PM
the first time I used upp it just never seemed to dry.I posted this on another forum and they said I put it on too thick.So yesterday I put on another layer as thin as I could with my orbital and a finishing pad and waited an hour like some posts suggest.After an hour I swiped my finger thru it and the same thing,it smeared.It took a truck full of m/f s to get it off.Am I trying to compare this to carnuba characteristics,or is this the norm for a polymer product.

02-23-2003, 04:17 PM
I`ve never experienced that with UPP. It has always dried pretty quick for me. I apply it by PC and spread it around as much as possible. Usually by the time I need to put some more on the PC pad, the first part of the car I started on is already dry. It sounds like what you are experiencing is similar to trying to apply it to a wet car. It will take longer to dry if there is water in the pad or on the car. I`ve never ever seen it take an hour though. Its possible that you might be expecting it to do something that its not going to do. If you are expecting it to dry into a crusty shell over your car then its never going to do that. :p UPP doesn`t dry into something that leaves dust all over the place. Its something that gets buffed off and suspended in the towel. It never drys into anything "dry" or chalky. The fact that you can wipe your finger though it doesn`t mean a whole lot. The product that is on the car has already done its work and you are just smearing the excess. I wouldn`t worry too much about it as long as you are applying it thin and working it around the car as much as possible. It doesn`t take more than 4 or 5 times reloading the PC pad to do the whole car. If you are using more than that then its possible that you are putting it on too thick still.

02-23-2003, 05:46 PM
thanks jngbrdman.your right,I was expecting the upp to act like reguar wax,plus there was a little water because I had just washed my truck.This morning I went out and took a look,very nice,slick and shiny. Another question.How long do I have to wait before putting on another layer,I have two on so far and live in Southern CA.

02-23-2003, 05:57 PM
You might want to email 4Star about that one. I`m sure it requires a good 12 to 18 hours before adding another layer for maximum results though. I don`t think that 24 hours is really needed. I`ve tested it a couple different ways. If you find out right from the horse`s mouth then definitely let us know. I don`t know that that information has ever been posted here. I`ll have to search and find out. One coat per day would be all that I would suggest though.

02-23-2003, 07:00 PM
4 Star does say to wait 24 hours between applications.

Also, I have used UPP probably 20 times with no problem with removing it. Applied it, waited 30 minutes to an hour, wiped it off with a MF towel. No streaks or smearing. Something wasn`t right in your case.


01-16-2006, 05:34 AM
Well, I hope it`s not really 24 hours. I`m too impatient to wait that long. Maybe Four Star is being conservative (hopefully)?

01-16-2006, 05:49 AM
I applied it a week ago on my Nissan. I applied it by hand (very sparingly). I used less than an ounce on the Silvia. The temperature was about 45F and very low humidity. I waited about 35 min., and it came off super-easy with no dusting. I think the problem may in fact be you`re applying it too thick. Spead it very thin but thoroughly; it`ll probably get easier the next time you use it.

01-16-2006, 06:43 AM
Thanks! I was actually able to buff off with no problem, but that suggested wait period between the first and second coat is murder! :)

01-16-2006, 07:50 AM
What did you use before you applied the UPP?

01-16-2006, 09:05 AM
The route I went was SSR1, PB Pro Polish, AIO, VM, RMG, UPP. I could`ve probably done without the Pro Polish (and even VM for that matter) since I was using the AIO. Nevertheless, I`m liking the result. Also, the durabilty of the UPP may be hindered because of the glazes, but that`s okay. UPP and NB are easy enough to reapply anyway.

So, all that`s left now is UPP coat #2 and then NB.

01-16-2006, 01:14 PM
hmmmm that combo looks AWFULLY familar ;) You just wait until you wipe off that last bit of NB, you`ll be amazed at what your car will look like!

01-16-2006, 03:54 PM
hmmmm that combo looks AWFULLY familar ;) You just wait until you wipe off that last bit of NB, you`ll be amazed at what your car will look like!

Well, he`s not the only one that stole your combo. Guilty as charged here! I love the look of it on my wife`s car. She likes it also.

01-16-2006, 08:04 PM
hmmmm that combo looks AWFULLY familar ;) You just wait until you wipe off that last bit of NB, you`ll be amazed at what your car will look like!

LOL...Neothin, what do they say about imitation and flattery? Although honestly, it is actually coincidental. I considered using this combo after reading the favorite products of the year thread. I just wasn`t sure if the products would be compatible. Then I saw your sig and realized they were! So THANK YOU!

I just finished up today. I was too impatient to put on UPP coat #2. I went straight to NB and I have to say I am very pleased. It is so worth all the work, and it was work as I had to do everything by hand (no PC). I have a red car...it`s looking almost flame-like now rolling down the asphalt.