View Full Version : My apologies to Pinnacle`s leather conditioner

02-23-2003, 08:15 AM
Ok, since it cost a lot and since I had pretty specific expectations of it, I decided to try out Pinnacle`s leather conditioner some more. I had various people smell it, and they all thought it smelled like leather. Just not like leather-store-in-the-mall leather (or as one person said, just not like saddle leather). So I guess I just need to smell more leather.

I also tried Mmmph`s suggestion and buffed the seats with a MF about 10-20 minutes after applying the conditioner. I`ve never done this with Lexol, and it always left the seats soft. The Pinnacle left them more shiny and slick. Buffing helped a lot. It removed the shine, but still left them slightly more slippery than before.

So, well I`m not thrilled about the smell, it is a leathery smell as advertised. And, other people think it smells good and liked the way my car smelled. I actually don`t notice any smell after about a day, so I guess that works out just fine (others are impressed, I notice nothing objectionable, everyone wins). I do prefer the feel Lexol leaves a bit better, but the Pinnacle makes me feel like it will help resist stains and such (though that could all be in my head) because it does leave a sort of slickness that you can feel (like there is some sort of slight coating or barrier that might buy me a little time if something spills).

I think what I will start doing is to use the Pinnacle on the rear seats and the Lexol on the front. I only use the Lexol cleaner, though my mom has the Pinnacle leather/vinyl cleaner that I`d love to try one day (I`m sure she`ll have me "show her" how to clean her seats with it one of these days... It`s funny, I "show" my family how to clean and protect their cars all the time, but they never seem to learn it. They always seem to need a refresher...)

I do notice that I use a lot more Pinnacle to cover a seat than I would with Lexol, but it isn`t an unbelievable amount or anything. When I first received the Pinnacle, I had built up in my mind how it should smell and work, and so I was really disappointed when I tried it. But, now that I`ve tried to evaluate it a bit more for what it is, not for what I wanted it to be, it is a nice product. For the price and feel, I`d probably buy Lexol if they both ran out today, but the Pinnacle is nice stuff and since I already own it, it`s useful.

Anthony O.
02-23-2003, 10:06 AM

I have used the Pinnacle Leather Conditioner now for the last 8 years exclusively and love the product.

It went from a coconut-bannana smell, which I thought was the better smell, to a leather smell, bannana smell then back to a sorta combo type smell. But you are right the smell lasts only a short while.

I have learned that the Pinnacle goes on best to leather that is very clean and WARM. In the winter I take a hair dryer with me and warm up the seats before I apply the Pinnacle. I then take a wax applicator sponge and mist it with water until it is just damp.

I then apply about a quarter size squirt on the sponge, fold the sponge to spread the conditioner and then start at the top of the seat and work my way down. Working it into the cracks and all the piping. I then do all the seats, keeping my pad moist, which is usually achieved by the addition of more conditioner.

When I finish the last seat or leather componet, I then go back with a towel and buff out the first seat I started on and work my way to the last seat. For extremely thirsty and dry leather seats I give it two or three treatments. If you notice a streaking of the conditioner lightly mist your buffing towel with water and then buff it, turn the towel to a dry side and buff it again.

The Pinnacle has a UV protector in it and also a polymer in it which is the "slickness" you feel. This is a desired effect as it coats and protects the bolsters from normal wear and tear of getting in and out. Instead of ones clothes being dragged across the leather they now glide across the leather.

Pinnacle also has a better water or liquid repellancy than Lexol or Hide Food IMHO. A client spilt a large drink in his Jaguar and the leather came out just fine. Which says alot because I was not able to clean it for 3 days after the spill. I did scold him for driniking in the car:nono

The only draw back to Pinnacle is the HEFTY PRICE:shocked

At $80 bucks a gallon one is quick to try something else.


02-23-2003, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Anthony Orosco

The only draw back to Pinnacle is the HEFTY PRICE:shocked

At $80 bucks a gallon one is quick to try something else.

I agree it`s pricey. IMO, the only drawback for me. The web site lists it at $89.95 per gallon. That`s still $11.25 per 16oz. :(

After I buff the seats, I leave the towel in the car for a couple days to add to the scent. It`s out of site just under the front seat.

I use my hands to apply. They feel and smell great afterward.

02-23-2003, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Mmmph

After I buff the seats, I leave the towel in the car for a couple days to add to the scent.


I`ll try wetting the pad next time to conserve product. I use a Meg`s foam applicator. I understand about the slickness protecting, but I don`t really like my seats to feel slippery (and I don`t drink anything but water in the car!). Buffing helped, though. UV is a non-issue for me because my car`s glass blocks UV. I wonder if the coconut-banana smell is like the Pinnacle vinyl/rubber protectant smell. It smells ok, but a bit too much like a cheap air freshner. JMO, though.

02-23-2003, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Aurora40


I`ll try wetting the pad next time to conserve product. I use a Meg`s foam applicator. I understand about the slickness protecting, but I don`t really like my seats to feel slippery (and I don`t drink anything but water in the car!). Buffing helped, though. UV is a non-issue for me because my car`s glass blocks UV. I wonder if the coconut-banana smell is like the Pinnacle vinyl/rubber protectant smell. It smells ok, but a bit too much like a cheap air freshner. JMO, though.

I Like The Smell Of The Pinnacle, But That Sheen And Slipperiness Drive Me Nuts. I cant Stand Anything On My Seats That Causes Any Shine. After Applying The Pinnacle, I End Up Sliding Around In My Seats For the Next Week.

02-23-2003, 03:15 PM
Do any of you find the foam applicator soaks up much product? I`m using cheap terry cloths now but don`t like how it soaks up a lot. I`ve read about applying with bare hands, but I`ve never thought of using a wax app. before. :p

I wonder if this would be a good job for those cheap reticulated foam kitchen sponges....

Anthony O.
02-23-2003, 06:06 PM

A terry towel or a terry applicator do tend to soak up too much conditioner.

I now use foam applicators that are square in shape. I found them at the Auto Magic distributor and bought a few bundles of them. They are used just for the Pinnacle leather conditioner.

I have found that applying the PLC by hand causes far more streaks and also makes the seats much more shinnier. If you do use your hand then always make sure your nails are trimmed. It is a bummer to catch a nail edge on the leather and mar it.

To ease some of the shine use less PLC and buff it right away with a slightly damp towel then go over it with a dry towel.

Follow this up on a weekly basis with just a misted towel and every 4 to 6 weeks re-apply the PLC. If the other seats hardly get any use just wipe them down and re-apply to them every 8 to 10 weeks.

The main goal is to keep the leather soft and supple.


02-23-2003, 06:29 PM
Thanks Anthony, I forgot to mention I don`t use PLC, but I guess general techniques all apply. :)