View Full Version : Blackfire II on top of Zaino

Nick T.
02-21-2003, 02:02 PM
Blackfire II on top of Zaino

The big brown truck is scheduled to deliver my BF GEP, AFPP, GS&C, and DGS on the 24th. My Jet Black paint has multiple coats of Zaino with very little micro-marring, and I`m anxious to experiment with Blackfire! I’ll play with it for awhile on my “test area” on the front bumper before committing to doing the entire car.

Is surface prepping the Zaino with BF GEP needed before applying the BF AFPP, and if so, how much?

I would really appreciate hearing your tips, tricks, experiences, and results when topping Zaino with BF II.

02-21-2003, 02:22 PM

If you want to maintain your present Zaino coats do not use the BF polish. It will remove the Zaino. I believe you are interested in see how the BF II looks over Zaino?

I would QD with Z6 to maximize the Zaino`s gloss and than apply the BF II protectant. Like Zaino, if there are any serious surface marring it will not be hidden to any extent by BFII. BF II does have some "make-up" ability but nothing magical. Like Zaino, a little is too much. Thin again is the word and allow to dry (30 -40mins) with normal humid and ~60*. Bf II will not come to a complete haze like Zaino but will buff off easily with a MF. Some have had a hazing problem. This is easily fixed with a QD or allowing to dry a little longer.

Have fun with your new "big boy" toys!:bounce