View Full Version : It really hurt to do this after detailing a van today

02-20-2003, 11:30 PM
dboat called me last week to see if I would have time to detail his Mother-in-law`s Astro van sometime this week. The only caveat was that it had to be by Thursday since she was leaving on Friday morning. Dana (dboat) thought it would be a nice way to thank her for house sitting while he and his wife were out of town. Anyway, we talked Sunday night and the soonest I would have a 5 hour block of time was today (Thursday, for the day impaired!) and on the local weather and the Weather Channel, the forecast was for sunshine and 60`s. :cool:

Dana drops a check in the mail Monday morning and by Monday evening, the weather guessers were calling for rain by Thursday and I had no way to contact Dana other than his home phone. I figured I would just see how the weather played out. Today I was awakened by the sound of rain, so I callled Dana`s house and talked to his Mother-in-law and asked her if she still wanted me to come out since she was going to have to drive her freshly detailed van home in the rain tomorrow (Friday). She said she wouldn`t be back in town until March and it really needed to be cleaned and the rain had stopped out where she was. I could move it into the garage if needed.

I drove out to Dana`s house and of course, when I got there it was raining. Dana has a Lightning that is a pretty wide truck and Astro Vans are pretty wide also, so it was a tight squeeze while working, but I got it washed, clayed, polished with Vanilla Moose and waxed with S100, vacuumed the interior, shampooed the carpets and mats, cleaned and dressed all the vinyl, etc. Got it looking real nice. It had never been waxed (it`s a 1994), but it was obviously well taken care of and had only 55,000 miles on it. Dana`s Mother-in-law was real pleased with the way it looked. Then she asked me if I would back it out before I left.

Whaaaaat......? I mentioned it was raining again and maybe by morning it would have let up. I could leave it in the garage so at least it would be clean for the next 14 hours or so. She said no, go ahead and back it out. She was worried about backing it up and maybe hitting Dana`s Lightning, and anyway, it was finally waxed, which was her main concern.

A few minutes later, I was backing a freshly detailed van out into the rain. :( The funny thing was though, you could still see the paint glisten amidst the water beads. Still, I really hated moving it into the rain so soon after detailing it.

Cliff Notes: I detailed a van today and when I finished, I had to move it out into the rain.

02-20-2003, 11:46 PM

Spelling nazi out. :D

02-21-2003, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by FNG


Spelling nazi out. :D

:rolleyes: Sheesh, I make one spelling error a month and you caught it.

02-21-2003, 12:12 AM
note to self: Try to post on topics FNG won`t read becasue i don`t proof read.


02-21-2003, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by samiam513

note to self: Try to post on topics FNG won`t read becasue i don`t proof read. Bad Spelr :D

imported_Mobile detail
02-21-2003, 01:33 AM
never mind...can`t get the pic to post...

02-21-2003, 05:55 PM
I feel you, man... It`s happened where I`ve spent a weekend detailing my car. Come Monday / Tuesday morning (I`m a HS senior), I`m driving in the rain. Those first few drops just break my heart.

02-21-2003, 10:55 PM
Scottwax, I have had similar situations. People in general just don`t take care of their cars and really don`t care. I have a client that has a Lexus SC430, I detailed it up looked so nice. Two weeks later they call and say that the detail isn`t holding up, the car doesn`t look as good, and I told them about month if they wash it or have me wash it. Well they had their nephew wash it, guess he needed a few bucks and asked to wash all of their cars. Guess he didn`t have any car wash cause I found out he used the kitchen sink dispenser. Probably took off my #7 and S100 within minutes. Since this incident, I went out of my way and bought them some GC carwash.

02-22-2003, 02:27 AM
I was planning on "shining" my car this weekend, yet the local weatherstation is predicting showers tomorrow. Well, looking on the bright side, I will wash and wax and then enjoy the water beading on the paint. Can`t control the weather, but might as well find ways to make the best of it.



02-22-2003, 03:14 AM
Originally posted by solara

I will wash and wax and then enjoy the water beading on the paint.

Ill probably do the same tomorrow. The forecasts say snow on Sunday. :D

02-22-2003, 08:55 AM
Yup. We`re supposed to be getting rain here next Tuesday or Wednesday. What am I gonna do later today? Wash (God, I hate doing the tires and wheels when I know it`s gonna rain) and get that second layer of SG on. Same sort of thing I always do.

And right after that, I have an appointment with a psychologist. She wants to talk to me about OCD. :p

Tim Lingor
02-22-2003, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by FNG

Ill probably do the same tomorrow. The forecasts say snow on Sunday. :D

Ahhh...Bud, it is "I`ll" and not "Ill" ;) :D :p

Sorry FNG! I could not resist!!!