View Full Version : rookie detailer with first time questions...Long

02-19-2003, 06:09 PM
Hello all, i have a few questions:

1) First is do any of you`s know of a good scratch remover? About a year ago i had my car painted, but its been in the garage (working on the motor) and while working it has a few light scratches on the top of the fenders. Nothing deep, just light scratches.

2)I also would like to wax my car now that its somewhat warm outside. Right now i have Zainos wax and their ZFX. Does anyone have any tips for me? As an applicator i just bought the Viper microfiber applicator from Classic motoring accesories.

3) I dont know if any of yous can get a picture, but my grandprix has side skirts and out back, the skirt flares out a bit right in front of the rear tire. Now right there i have some dirt if you want to call it that i cant get out. I justed washed the car with Zainos shampoo and it still didnt come out. I brushed my finger over it and you can barely feel it. Im guessing it might be sand from the road that got stuck on. Anyone know how the heck i can get this off?

4) Are there any small towels or cloths that i can get to finish drying my car with? I use the wiper blade to get most of the water off my car but it leaves little trails and around my spoiler i cant use it. At the local AutoZone they sell the Absorber, is it worth the 10 or so dollars?

5) And last of all, im in search of a good rim polish. I have chrome rims.

Sorry for all the questions and long post. Thank you for any help!

02-19-2003, 06:13 PM
And if it helps, the car is a dark blue (Indigo blue metallic w/pearl)

Thanks again...

Brandon DeFeo
02-19-2003, 06:31 PM
There are many others on this site much more knowledgable than I. I`ll put in my 2 cents. Loose the wiper blade. It does more harm than good. Personnaly, I`m not a big fan of the Absorber. It is absorbant though. If you use it, finish up drying with micro fiber towels. Buy several good quality mf towels. You won`t regret it. Read through the rest of the forums, you`ll get all the information you need.

02-19-2003, 07:20 PM
There are great threads on each of your areas of concern, so for the most thorough answers, I`d recommend you use the Search function.

In brief, here`s my $.02:

-depending on the scratches (how light, etc) you can use DACP, then something lighter to get out any haze. I do this with a PC and a yellow pad. If they are more severe you may need to use a rotary, but don`t do this unless you know what you are doing.

-Drying: Try the big blue MF waffle weave towel from CMA.

But again, read up through the Search function and you`ll get more thorough information.

02-19-2003, 08:09 PM
Hi Jon,

The questions you`re asking are super basic and have been discussed at Autopia for years, literally. As others have suggested, the Search functions works very well and can direct you to threads discussing these topics.

Also on the HOME page there are detailing articles that describe some of the issues you are facing. Read thru those to expand your knowledge base.

Finally, most of us Autopia veterans have purchased the e-book sold at www.autopia-carcare.com and feel its an incredible information resource. Fixing problems is not simply about what product to use but how to use products properly to their maximum ability. For example, there are many many products that can remove light scratches. Used correctly most all of them will do what you need them to. Used incorrectly and they can create more scratches and make your problems worse.

The answers to you questions are here if that`s all you are interested in. But hopefully you will take advantage of all the education this forum offers and truly learn how to make your car sparkle. Good luck.