View Full Version : Ultimate Black Finish?

Nocholis Rimnson
02-18-2003, 09:10 PM
I Need some help from the pros ...I Have Used 3m micro finish,Then Several coats of Zaino...went through the steps..

The Paint looks ok..But Not great..I can still see small ..very small swirls/scratches /spyders in the paint..Under the Lights in my garage...I Would Like to Get rid of them..so I Know it will look Perfect When Its Outside....Also I dont own a Buffer ..so its a Slow Long Detail

Btw The car is Washed and Zainoed every week.I used Sals tricks..looks OK But Im looking for Somthing better..

Just Looking for some help...any info would be great..New Products.P21s?.etc..Towels..Methods.. Thanks In Advance!

Great site..

02-18-2003, 10:08 PM
Hi Mark, welcome. :) I`m not sure what this 3M product you mention is, but have you attempted to do any swirl removal before the Zaino?

You may want to try searching for topics such as "hand swirl removing" (or "removal") and see if that turns up any useful threads with some methods and product suggestions. Also the Autopia eBook is a good read (even the free sections) and can help you get an idea of where to begin and if the swirls are caused by something you are doing or using. Between the ebook and the search engine you may not even need "live" help. :D

02-18-2003, 10:31 PM
I think you are going to need to buy/borrow a porter cable 7336/7424:bow

Detailing NY
02-19-2003, 12:29 PM
Getting the ultimate will take some time, But with practice you will get it.

This is a black car that all my customers love.

I dont use zaino i use other products.


Nocholis Rimnson
02-19-2003, 03:05 PM
Thanks For the Info..looks Like I Will Buy a PC ...