View Full Version : So was the dawn wash just fad in the detailing community??

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02-13-2003, 01:43 PM
I have noticed in the past month to 6 weeks that no one is mentioning in their list of steps that they do when detailing that they Dawn wash anylonger. Was this just a fad? Or do people honestly still do that? Personally I clay so I would think that would remove anything that was on the surface anyways. Thoughts opinions??

02-13-2003, 01:48 PM
Well, I still do it. I think its a good step. Its never been a totally necessary step, but I don`t think it hurts anything and it does help strip the waxes and crud off. I still do it to cars that I`m detailing for the first time and want to get as much off as I can. It saves time in the long run. If it is going to make my clay last longer because it doesn`t fill up with crud then I think its worth it.

02-13-2003, 01:52 PM
I still use it too. I think of it as a little more aggressive than car wash shampoo. Like Jngr said as much dirt and debris you can remove before claying or polishing the less gets embedded in your clay or pads. One or two times a year won`t hurt your finish.

02-13-2003, 05:10 PM
I still use it but only if my car seems oily, you know that rainbow color you get from your windshield sometimes. But since they don`t accumulate that much I don`t use it often, not even if I`m gonna be waxing the car after.

02-13-2003, 06:36 PM
I use it on a car before I apply Zaino for the first time, or on my car when it needs a stronger wash, 1-2 times/year.

02-13-2003, 06:48 PM
One more here who still uses it upon occasion, but only when I`m going to be starting from scratch and want to strip off whatever`s already there. I might use AutoInt`s "A" instead, all depends on what I`m trying to get off (wax, sealant, filth). Also, I find that clay does NOT remove much, if any, wax or sealant, but then I clay VERY gently.

02-13-2003, 08:13 PM
No I stiil use it:wavey. I consider it a true part of the twice yearly heavy cleaning of my car.

02-13-2003, 08:21 PM
Not really a fad but you get people now and then who will Dawn wash a neglected car that hasn`t been waxed since forever, although there is no real advantage over regular carwash soap at this point.

02-13-2003, 10:34 PM
Never Dawn washed, and unless I decide to try Zainos, never will. I prefer to clay and polish to remove old layers of wax.

02-14-2003, 06:22 AM
I Just dawn-wash once a year:

as the start of a full spring-detail


Preachers Sheets
02-14-2003, 02:43 PM
I`m guessing you think it was a "fad" because no one talks about it huh? It`s become so normal that no one talks about it.

I use it only my parents daily driver cars, I think it helps a little but sometimes the Stoner`s Tarminator needs to do the dirty work.

02-14-2003, 03:24 PM
If you ever work on a car and get your hands greasy then wash your hands with dawn and you can tell how effective dawn can be. I do not use dawn very often but there are times that I feel it is an advantage. I want the surface to be reasonably clean before claying and polishing. Dawn can be a useful tool but use it wisely.

02-15-2003, 11:13 AM
I still use Dawm when I do a twice a year "major" detailing that`s when I put four layers of Klasse SG on the cars.

Anthony O.
02-15-2003, 11:40 AM
I used to use Dawn but my hands were getting all dried out and chaffed. So I switched to Palmolive. In fact I am soaking in it right now!

Hey if it`s good enough for Marge than it`s good enough for me.

Truthfully I only use Dawn or the Ajax brand once in a blue moon. If I am doing a car for the first time I wash with a diluted solution of Hi-Temp`s wax remover and then a claying session. Which is always followed up by an application of Cleansing Lotion.


PS. Speaking of "fads"...you people remember, or maybe you even did it at one time (but we won`t ask), the guys would wax their cars and drive around town with the wax residue still on their cars??? The thinking was that the longer you kept the wax, which was usually Turtle Wax or Raindance, on the paint the better it protected your car and the longer it lasted.

Man, that`s so funny now.


02-15-2003, 01:17 PM
I figured I`d throw my 2 cents in.........

Dawn was never a legitimate detailing step that I can remember until the Zaino craze hit. The only reason Zaino suggests you use it it is to insure no oil or silicones remain and cause potential problems with the initial bonding of the Z product. It took on a life of its own from there. I dont think that its OCCASIONAL use (once a year) to strip old wax will really harm anything, but in my opinion is mostly unnecassary, especially if you are going to use a paint cleaner or polish.