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02-11-2003, 12:20 PM
I`ve generally switched over to Griot`s Speed Shine (from EF Clear Pearl) for my carnauba`ed cars. I do use Pinnacle Crystal Mist over Souveran on my garage-queen, and I`m using Sonax, BF, or Meg #34/Final Inspection (as the mood strikes) for cars with KSG and BF for the car with BFII. I also use #34 to remove polish residue.

The only time I use QD`s without first washing, etc. the car is for immediate removal of serious bird/bug bombs.

I`m curious what members` current favorites are and why.

On other threads, a number of people have mentioned how they prefer other QD`s over Speed Shine. I`m especially curious about these preferences.

02-11-2003, 12:22 PM
hmm.. i was just about to get a big jug of EFCP. Why did you switch from it?

02-11-2003, 12:26 PM
I really like the Pinnacle Crystal Mist or Z6.

02-11-2003, 12:27 PM
I used to be a huge Blackfire QD fan and then I ordered some Platinum QD. The Platinum one leaves my car absolutely sparkling. I love that stuff. I have to stick with non carnauba sprays since I am usually in between sealant coats. Crystal Mist would be my choice for a carnauba QD if I were to use one. That stuff is really nice. I traded mine for a bottle of Liquid Souveran last summer and think I got the good end of the deal. :)

I don`t QD very often though. I usually just wash my car when it gets dirty instead of maintaining it with a spray. The only time I really ever use it is sometimes after a coat of SG just to make sure I got all the product off and other times when I hit a puddle or something. I use it to clean off the drips from driving around after I wash the car too. I probably don`t use more than a bottle or two per year on my own cars though. Even with the number of cars that I work on I probably only use 3 or 4 per year.

02-11-2003, 12:44 PM
My three favorites are QuickShine, Z-6, & OGSO. The reason is simple....among all the different QD`s I`ve tried, these three require the least amount of buffing. I haven`t tried SS yet though.

Accumulator, I saw those threads about SS, but I`ve also seen a few threads about SS being the best QD ever. :xyxthumbs I`ll definitely try it out when my gallon of OGSO runs out.

02-11-2003, 12:53 PM
I like Clearkote Quik Shine, Z6, Duragloss, EO Wet and Meguiar`s Wipe and Shine in that order. All of these QD`s can be used on both carnuaba and sealants. :wavey

02-11-2003, 12:55 PM
Wow, quick replies! I just checked back prior to logging off and already got 4 :up Keep `em coming.

Jngrbrdman- I haven`t tried any of the Platinum line. I was waiting for the durability issue to resolve itself and now I`m knee-deep in BF products. I WILL have to give it a try soon; I know you`ve have good results with it. Other than the Platinum, it sounds like you and I are alike in our QD use, except that I go through a lot of it, use it after most washes. Not sure why I`m such a cheapskate with the Pinnacle CM, but I only use it on the one car (and it is more work).

raymond_ho2002-I`m not sure :nixweiss . I`d been using the SS as a clay lube and tried it out as an overall-QD. It SEEMED to last longer than the EF CP and it SEEMED like dirt, etc. rinsed off better in the rain and that I got better beading. I actually switch back and forth between them as I have an awful lot (i.e., gallons)of each on hand and I can`t really decide between them. As I told ArcticWhite in another thread, it`s like P21S vs. Souveran.

Ds01C5 and Intermezzo- I haven`t tried any Zaino products except for Z-16, :up by the way.

Intermezzo- I also haven`t tried QuickShine or OGSO. I recall posts about the OGSO being streak-prone, but I read that about most everything ;) and I`m guessing you don`t have that problem.

02-11-2003, 12:57 PM
Z-6 (love the slickness and smell)....:cool:

02-11-2003, 01:00 PM
I have 2 gallon jugs and 1 spray bottle full of EFCP. It is my personal favorite QD just because its the only one I have found that I can use in the sun on a hot black car, and it not streak.

I havent tried PCM, but I would like to. Would someone be willing to trade maybe 10oz of PCM for 10oz of EFCP, or somthing else?

PM me if interested. :)

02-11-2003, 01:26 PM
Clear Kote Quikshine because it doesn`t streak, has an awesome shine on Klasse or carnauba. Next choices are EFCP, Pinnacle Crystal Mist, both of these are great for carnauba wax, Eagle One Wipe and Shine (low cost, great buy), Meguiars FI (great lubricity) for all purpose QD`s.

If smell is a factor then EO, Meguiars and EF:D

02-11-2003, 02:01 PM
After hearing all these great reviews of clearkote products, I am interested in trying some out.. But the shipping costs is what keeps me from doing so. I just sent an email to properautocare.com bugging them to carry the clearkote line. Do you guys think that they`d do it? :)

02-11-2003, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by raymond_ho2002

After hearing all these great reviews of clearkote products, I am interested in trying some out.. But the shipping costs is what keeps me from doing so. I just sent an email to properautocare.com bugging them to carry the clearkote line. Do you guys think that they`d do it? :)

I really do not think that the shipping/ handling would be much different. It cost me ~$8 for shipping my Pinnacle Souveran from CMA. I did mention to Mr. Glass about the high shipping cost of Clearkote QuikShine. Maybe if you do the same he might adjust if several people ask.:nixweiss

02-11-2003, 02:20 PM
Yea, but I tend to order a bunch of stuff at one time.. and it`d be easier to lump in clear kote with other things I`d get from CMA anyway. The shipping costs at CMA go up like 3 dollars for every $25 spent or something, so... uhh..

ok, i guess we`re not saving THAT much, but it`d make it easier. :)

Originally posted by blkZ28Conv

I really do not think that the shipping/ handling would be much different. It cost me ~$8 for shipping my Pinnacle Souveran from CMA. I did mention to Mr. Glass about the high shipping cost of Clearkote QuikShine. Maybe if you do the same he might adjust if several people ask.:nixweiss

02-11-2003, 02:31 PM
For finishes with sealant coats I use Platinum QD and for carnauba finishes One Grand Showoff. Like brdman said, the Platinum QD really makes for a slick finish and great gloss.

Originally posted by Jngrbrdman

I traded mine for a bottle of Liquid Souveran last summer and think I got the good end of the deal. :)

LOL, Glad you liked the LS. Funny though, I think whoever got the CM came out ahead (even if he hasn`t used it since :) )


02-11-2003, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by Intermezzo

My three favorites are QuickShine, Z-6, & OGSO. Hmm, interesting. All 3 flavours here: Regular, Sealant, and Carnauba! :xyxthumbs

Some day I`ll get around to trying these 3 as I`ve been meaning to.... :( All 3 of these (esp. Z6 and QS) get rave reviews.