View Full Version : Orbital Buffers

02-11-2003, 10:55 AM

I have a question. I have a 6 inch MVP orbital buffer that I got from Walmart. I have several different bonnets, foam, wool, terry.

Will this be ok to use? I want a PC 7424, but I already have this one and it seems to do ok. I used it on my mom`s 93 929 to do a one step this fall and it seemed to do a good job. I love to have the best equipment, but I`m a little hestitant to spend $200 plus for buffer and accessories if I can get by for a while with what I have.

Any thoughts?



P.S. Although if you have strong opnions I may just have to break down and but the PC :D

02-11-2003, 11:05 AM
The PC is pretty much the standard tool here but if what you have is working well for you, then why change? There are deals for the PC all the time and you could be ready to go with all the pads you need for about $150.:)

02-11-2003, 11:58 AM
The buffer you have will be O.K. for applying and removing waxes or sealants, but it`s not strong enough to do swirl or scratch removal. It will work, but it`s use is very limited.

02-11-2003, 12:20 PM
The size is going to be a little tough to work with too. Getting around mirrors and spoilers is tough with those larger ones. If it is working for you to wax and glaze then you could probably stay with it. A PC is definatly a fine machine that will leave you wonderng how you were ever satisfied with your old ways. I know that was the case with me anyway.

02-11-2003, 02:11 PM
The main differences for me that sent me over to the "buy a PC" camp was the lack of variable speeds, the limited power, and the simple fact that it uses bonnets instead of the nearly standardized foam pads mentioned here.

If I had one of these already though, I`d try and play around with it and see what I could accomplish and if it met my needs. Good luck!

02-12-2003, 12:29 AM
has anybody any experience with the Gem RO?

02-12-2003, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by jlfrogy

has anybody any experience with the Gem RO? I`m assuming you already tried searching for "gem"? From what I remember of the pricing for these, you might as well get a PC instead. These things are also HUGE and probably really heavy. Lots of PC users here to support you, and it`s more versatile with its different pads. I didn`t give the Gems more than a cursory look myself. My 2 cents.