View Full Version : Fun day of detailing.

02-09-2003, 12:00 AM
Started by washing. Decided to Clay the truck after that. While I was doing that, I noticed I had some swirls. A lot of them. So I broke out the #83 and the yellow pad. Went to work. I soon realised (after 2 whole panels) that I was casuing MORE swirls! I was very mad.

I went with #9 on the gray CMA pad. I had the PC on speed 6 (i was very angry) and it did absolutely nothing becasue i was going soo fast. I got angrry, threw the QD in the garage, and it busted. i got even more angry then and threw it about 30 yards into the woods beind my house. I put all the stuff I had out in random places (i do wierd things when i`m mad.) .

About 7 o`clock tonight i decide to try to fix what i screwed up. I loooked for my pads, found 1 in my dedailing cabinet and the other ontop of the refrigerator in the kitchen (i thoguht it was in the woods until i saw it while looking for some munchies. More proof I do wierd stuff whe i`m mad.) Cleaned the both, and went to work on the truck in the garage. I did the Yellow pad with #9 on speed 4.5-5. Took about 2 hours to get MOST of the damage fixed on half the truck. The velcor on the pad split from the pad so I had to stop. I testing out a glue on that over night.

After that, I waxed with Einszett and went aand watched the man show. Nothing like watching a 13 ear old kid trying to get old ment to buy him beer outside of a liquor store!

So I learned a few things today.

Don`t rush a detail job. It`ll only end up in more work.

Don`t throw the QD. You`ll just throw it again, and lose it on the 2nd throw.

Don`t try to use somthing too strong for the job. Use somthing which will take lil more time with less hassle and yield the same results.

Tommorrow`s job. Cutsomer`s 2k3 explorer just out of the body shop. Don`t worry, no wax. Just interior and a wash.

02-09-2003, 01:04 AM
Sometimes the best part of the day is when it ends!

Sorry to hear your day went like that. It usually happens when you are in a rush.:)

BTW Nice avatar!:xyxthumbs