View Full Version : klasse help

02-04-2003, 09:15 AM
first post on the forum, been reading for a little while now, and just have a question on klasse (yes, i always use search before i ask a question) and i couldn`t find much info on it.

i was just curious as to what step of my detail process i can remove if i decide to add klasse to my process.. currently i

1) dawn wash (every fresh rewax)

2) pre-wax cleaner

3) glaze

4) wax

all one grand blitz products, i`m finished with blitz, so i will be purchasing a tin of p21s or s100. i plan to klasse, and top off with some p21s, so would the p21s replace the glaze? or would it replace the pre-wax cleaner (polisher)?

also, how do you feel about curing times for klasse.. i read a place recommending that you let klasse cure for 24 hours before toping with wax, then they said let the wax sit for 24 hours.. but i was under the impression that wax doesn`t "cure" so that`d be pointless.. but klasse, is a whole new beast to me :)

02-04-2003, 09:32 AM
What about clay? Do you not clay your car? You really should get a bar of Clay Magic and give it a shot. Klasse is about to get your paint probably the cleanest it has been in a long time. You might as well make it the smoothest too. :D

You can definatly remove the pre wax cleaner. AIO will do that part. I don`t know about the glaze. I don`t think you are going to really need that part either. This would be what I would do:

Wash (Dawn if you prefer)

Clay (while still wet. No need to really dry it)

Wash again if you want, but not really necessary

AIO x 1

SG x1 (allow to dry on the car for at least 45 minutes before buffing off and then wait at least 24 hours before applying another coat)

Additional coats of SG as desired

Top with P21S/S100

I don`t remember hearing anything about letting the wax sit for 24 hours. Not really necessary if you ask me. Just apply it and buff it off. If you want to put more than one coat of wax on in a day then go for it. I don`t believe that it is going to hurt anything. For best results you should definatly wait 24 hours before topping or applying any new layers of SG on top of the last layer of SG. Trust me on that one. I`ve tested it both ways and there is a difference in ease of application of the subsequent layers and also in apperance. The wait is worth it. :xyxthumbs

02-04-2003, 09:47 AM
thanks for the reply! as for claying, i tried it once with meguires, and wasn`t impressed at all, i`ll be purchasing a whole new claybar set.. but not for a month or two.. its freezing outside (nor`east) so detailing will happen in march, but why not plan now ;) it`s funny, i used to wait all year for the winter,.. for some reason this year, i can`t wait for some more sun..

i feel lik i`m having detail withdrawal.. tired of having my car constantly covered in salt..

sg is sealent glaze correct? i`ll definitely give that a try.. thanks for all the help!


02-04-2003, 09:54 AM
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, I would rate Clay Magic at probably an 8 or 9 and Meguiars as a 2 or 3. The problem was probably just the brand of clay you were using. Give Clay Magic a try and see if it will change your opinion. :up

Yup. SG is sealant glaze, or as I like to call it, "The Good Stuff." :xyxthumbs

02-04-2003, 05:44 PM
haha thanks for the info! i will be purchasing this stuff soon.. glad to know that meguires is bad stuff.. after i used it, i had a bad taste in my mouth when it came to clay bars..

i`ve tried all types of products, and just when i feel i`m "comfortable" with detailing.. i get all over it again ;)

Originally posted by Jngrbrdman

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, I would rate Clay Magic at probably an 8 or 9 and Meguiars as a 2 or 3. The problem was probably just the brand of clay you were using. Give Clay Magic a try and see if it will change your opinion. :up

Yup. SG is sealant glaze, or as I like to call it, "The Good Stuff." :xyxthumbs