View Full Version : Do I Need To Clay?

02-03-2003, 09:48 AM
I`m a newbie here to the detailing scene and am learning some great stuff here on the forum. This past weekend I used some Turtle Wax Clear Coat Polishing Compound to remove some road tar and paint marks in the side panels of my car. The paint is in excellent condition, but hasn`t been hand polished and waxed for about 14 months. After removing the tar and paint marks, I decided to polish the entire panel and apply a new coat of carnuba wax. However, I couldn`t get the bottom portions of the panel entirely smooth. They were still rough after three applications of the polishing compound.

1. Is my polishing technique incorrect? I applied the compound in a back and fourth motion, not circular. I used a sponge applicator and constantly rinsed it in a bucket of water.

2. Should I try another brand of polish? The Turtle Wax is leftover from my pre-Autopia days.

3. Should I try a clay bar first and then polish?

02-03-2003, 10:22 AM
Claying should always precede polishing on a car that hasn`t been cared for well for as long as you say. That should help a lot. It needs to be the first step because it will remove a lot of any polish or wax on the surface if you did it after. Wash the car, clay and then polish again an you should notice a difference. :xyxthumbs

Redcar GUY
02-03-2003, 01:36 PM
to add what the others said, if you ask if you need to clay, you probably need to....

02-03-2003, 03:00 PM
Guys, thanks for the responses! I did some research on the forum and will end up buying Clay Magic from the local Autozone. I also need to buy some MF towels, cotton wash mitt and QD spray while I`m there.

Preachers Sheets
02-03-2003, 05:05 PM
The clay magic QD spray is good stuff. I use it when I remove Klasse Glaze or Platinum.