View Full Version : Clearcoat cleaner

01-31-2003, 09:43 AM
I stopped by a detailer yesterday to get some pricing on a detail job. ( actually just to look around and pick their brain a little bit ).

They told me the do the car with a clearcoat cleaner first before polishing. What is a clearcoat cleaner ? Is it like a #9 Meg`s or what is it ?

They had a silver Audi in there and I must say I never saw that kind of depth coming from a Silver car. Pretty impressive !


01-31-2003, 10:25 AM
Do search for: GEPC, Pinnacle Paint Cleanser, Meguiar`s Paint (#2 ?)Cleaners and Meg #9 . The last time I stripped my Z28 I added the paint cleansing step (GEPC) prior to sealant application and after a mild polishing with Meg #9. I noticed an increase in smoothness and gloss and sufficient decrease in haze.:wavey

01-31-2003, 10:48 AM

The detailer might very well have been referring to those kinds of products, but I`m guessing that he could also have been referring to a compound.

Terms are used quite loosely in this industry, but among professional detailers (haha, what a contradiction in terms!...except of course, those that happen to be Autopians!), a paint cleaner is actually another name for a rubbing compound. This would make sense in this situation because the standard procedure when detailing a scratched up car is to compound (or clean) it first, then remove any resulting compounding swirl-marks using a polish/swirl-remover followed by wax/sealant.

I think part of the confusion of ppl thinking a "paint-cleaner" is a final light polishing product is due to companys like Pinnacle, P21S & Zymol calling their light polishes "cleansers".

01-31-2003, 10:52 AM

I need to realize there is another detailing world outside the borders of Autopia;) :wavey

01-31-2003, 12:35 PM
I asked them if it was a compound & they said not it was a clear coat cleaner (hence the question`s). I tried not to ask to many detailed question`s because I did`nt want them to know I was just snooping.

I also got a price list from them. I am compiling a few price list`s from some area detailer`s & will post them just for comparison`s sake.