View Full Version : P21S, Pinnacle, Meguiars, etc.

01-30-2003, 09:14 AM
After spending hours reading the post on waxes over the last few days I have a couple of question.

Is there really that much difference between the top brands or is it just a matter of personal choice or wanting to follow the masses?

Because one group raves about Brand X it seems everyone has to follow. Then later someone raves about Brand Y and now that wax is the wax of choice. Has anyone found one brand they liked and stayed with it no matter what, or have you changed because, as they say, the grass might be greener on the other side of the fence?

01-30-2003, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by Sprongs

Is there really that much difference between the top brands or is it just a matter of personal choice or wanting to follow the masses?

Because one group raves about Brand X it seems everyone has to follow. Then later someone raves about Brand Y and now that wax is the wax of choice. Has anyone found one brand they liked and stayed with it no matter what, or have you changed because, as they say, the grass might be greener on the other side of the fence?

I have bought waxes and products that have not been mentioned on this board before. Almost every time, I am dissapointed in the product-- a wax might be too hard to remove or it only lasts a short time or it may not add anything to the car`s appearance. That`s why I no longer buy products that I haven`t researched. These people on the board know what they`re talking about because they have used nemerous products over the years, and they know the good ones from the bad ones. I use Klasse because I read about it here, and I have been very satisfied with the results. I know it`s a quality product. Probably the reason people might try different waxes is because new technology and products keep coming out, like Blackfire for instance. People want to try Blackfire and compare their results with their other wax so they can then advise people on this board with their findings. Personally, I love Klasse and will stick with it, despite my curiosity that makes me want to try Zaino. I may someday, and if I do, it`s because I simply want to see the difference first hand on my very own car so I can make my own conclusions.

The people on this board are two things: curious about their favorite hobby, and knowladgable about products based on their expierence.

01-30-2003, 09:35 AM
Since you use Klasse and are thinking about Blackfire, what about Duragloss? Seems like they all might be about the same, but for price.

01-30-2003, 10:06 AM
I definatly think there are differences in the waxes. Blits is a lot better than Turtle Wax and P21S (in my opinion) is better than Blitz. If you spend some more time down in the Product Review Archive then you`ll see some great reviews of different waxes and sealants run against each other. There may not be a whole lot of difference in appearance for some of them, but other factors like dust attraction and longetivity really set them apart from each other. It takes either a lot of research or just personal experience to determine which is the best wax for you.

01-30-2003, 10:46 AM
It would be difficult to put any rhyme or reason to the number of products we use here at Autopia. We are carcare fanatics. This is our hobby and / or vocation. Some would call us elitist but again this is our passion. I am sure many of us go to sleep at night thinking about a detailing problem, product or project. I find great pleasure in conversing with others who are so interested in the world of detailing and sharing information that has and will aid me in my quest. Yes, we get excited about different products at different times. Normally it is new or someone found a new way to use it. Theories change and seasonal difference causes discussions about products that normally are not mentioned during another times of the year ( ie Poorboy`s Spray & Wash and QEW very timely products during the winter).This is a place where detailing junkies gather, discuss, spend much $$, look for detailing solutions and explainations to give spouses for so many detailing adventures($$) ;).

There is no best product here at Autopia. Just many fine products that we enjoy discussing and eventually trying with the knowledge that it is an informed trial.

01-30-2003, 11:36 AM
Sprongs- There really is a surprising difference between the different waxes and sealants. I have a pair of silver Audis and I always keep different products on them. The differences are ALWAYS noticeable, at least side by side. Not better/worse, but different. You really WILL notice an improvement if you step up from regular, "store-bought" products.

I think you can do better than Duragloss. The differences between synthetic sealants (especially durability and harshness) can be pretty dramatic. It`s not just marketing hype. BTW, the jury`s still sorta out on Blackfire; I have it on the S8 and I`m not ready to REALLY endorse it just yet.

01-30-2003, 11:45 AM
Well said! Well said!:xyxthumbs

01-30-2003, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by ejant

It`s all personal prefferences.

I like tying the different types of waxes and sealants. Topping a sealant with a carnauba. A few weeks later trying something diferent.

well said

In addition, different models and different colors (hence, different paint surfaces) may also affect the outcome of a certain product. It is almost next to impossible to generalize whether one is "better" than the other among all these Autopia-recognized products, IMO, of course. I have read through many pages and am currently using a product of which most folks here agreed that it does look good on a white vehicle. Great results, so far. Thanks, Autopia!



01-30-2003, 03:09 PM
May I ask what you use on White as I have three vehicles that are White. A Ford 150, a Buick Park Ave. and a Corettte.

01-31-2003, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Sprongs

May I ask what you use on White as I have three vehicles that are White. A Ford 150, a Buick Park Ave. and a Corettte.

Hey - I have a white vette too. 99.9% of the time I use Zaino on it. Every now and again I get the urge to use Pinnacle Souveran. I have also been tempted to try P21s out of curiousity. For me, it doesn`t get any better than Zaino Z2 on white.:cool:

check out this pic:


01-31-2003, 07:10 AM
Great looking Vette. Shine looks great also.

Have you ever tried Pinnacle Paste Glaz on White? Around here that is the wax of choice on light cars.

After washing a friend of mine uses Meguiars #7, then P21S GEPC followed by the Pinnacle. Car really shines.