View Full Version : KSG layering question

01-30-2003, 06:43 AM
Well this weekend is supoose to be warm mid 30`s to low 40`s and I will have time to clean my car. Since I have been busy and the weather has not been warm enough, to layer more SG. I have 3x AIO 2xSG. Now for my questions:

1. It has been a month since I put the last layer of SG on, can I layer more SG without using AIO?

2. Or should I just use S100 wax and wait until spring for more klasse?

01-30-2003, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by edschwab1

....can I layer more SG without using AIO?In a nutshell, Yes. AIO is a cleaner/surface prep product which you`d only use if you`re going to start over with your Klasse protection. If you wax your car you, will need to give your car a GOOD washing before you`ll be able to apply another layer of SG. Just something to think about.

If the temps are low, you will need to allow for some extra time so SG will dry thourghly. If you go with S100, the low temps won`t be a problem. It will also do several things for you. 1. You`ll see first-hand what effect, if any, low temps have on waxing. 2. If you haven`t already, you`ll get to see how S100 looks over SG. 3. Your car will be finished hours sooner.

If it was me, I`d go the S100 route. It`s less work for this time of the year and the results will look great.

01-30-2003, 09:33 AM
1) Yes, you can layer on more SG if you wish. Personally, I like the look of Klasse by itself and I would continue layering it until I felt like doing the whole thing over again.

2) If you want to use S100, you can also do that. Keep in mind that to use SG, you don`t have to put on more AIO. But since you already have the Klasse protection, you can start layering S100 if you prefer its appearance. Once you slap on S100, however, you can not use more SG unless you use AIO first.

It comes down to preference, really. My preference is straight Klasse SG, but others may like the look of a carnauba topper.

01-30-2003, 09:36 PM
Just a question.... do you HAVE to you AIO in order to use SG?? .. can you use S100 SEPC or other polish instead of AIO?.

01-30-2003, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by bajaiman

Just a question.... do you HAVE to you AIO in order to use SG?? .. can you use S100 SEPC or other polish instead of AIO?.

No, you do not have to use AIO before SG, but most people like to. AIO is a very good pre cleaner, and it, from what ive heard, is an acrylic sealent that can last up to 2 months. Usually I use p21s GEPC, then AIO, then Sg.

It is overkill, but I like it so...


01-30-2003, 10:04 PM
Thanks for the reply :) ... greatly appreciated. :up