View Full Version : Zaino vs AIO/SG/Souveran Quick Question

01-27-2003, 11:00 AM
I have been using Zaino for a number of years. I have only used it on brand-new black cars that had excellent paint to begin with.

I now have a light blue car that has a non-clearcoat paint. It is about 15 years old and in fair shape. It could be lacquer or enamel, I don`t know how to tell.

The car looks like it has some wetsanding scratches under the paint (wasn`t prepped right, I guess). You have to turn your head the right way and there aren`t that many of them. The paint also has a lot of spider-webs on top which I am attempting to remove.

I`ve read where Zaino may highlight the imperfections in the paint. Would AIO, SG and Souveran be better than Zaino in this case?

I still need help on choosing a topper. For a light blue car with older paint, which one would be better? Souvern, PPG, P21S?

01-27-2003, 11:18 AM
I would choose P21S over the Pinnacle waxes. P21S looks better that PPG and at least as good as Souveran. PPG gives a glow that Souveran and P21S don`t seem to give my cars, but the reflection and the wet look are well worth it and gives P21S the edge. Plus its cheaper than both those Pinnacle waxes.

I`ve seen Zaino look pretty nice on light colored cars. I haven`t ever used it myself so I can`t say how it compares. I do know that Klasse with a carnauba topper is really nice on light colored cars. Something you might want to consider would be Klasse with Blackfire or Platinum topping it. That looks awesome as well. Since I started doing cars with AIO and UPP I rarely use SG anymore. Sometimes I`ll layer it with UPP, but that`s about it. It just looks great.

One other wax you may want to consider for your light blue car is Liquid Souveran. That is one liquid wax I`ll always keep a supply of. It looks awesome. It gives my white car a reflection clarity that neither Souveran or P21S has ever given it. Very nice stuff. :xyxthumbs