View Full Version : Thats it, I must give in....

01-21-2003, 01:17 PM
To my urge to detail. I know its gonna get dirty right away, but I dont care anymore. What I had in mind for those who dont know already was this:




3M SMR, or on to Finnesse it machine polish if this doesnt get rid of them all, I am skipping the perfect it as I have been told its about the same as SMR and a waste of time.

Klasse AIO

Klasse SG

All getting done with my new PC. Well my wax is wearing off, the glaze must be too cause I can see the swirls again. None look to major, but there is alot of them. I think I am going to order the supplies this week that I will need. Then once I get a day that hits 40 or above I am gonna have at it. I will just use latex gloves for washing to keep my hands warm. Plus, my car needs the protection anyway. So this way when spring rolls around all I will have to do is wash her real good and layer on some more SG. Then I can save time there and go to the interior, engine, and rims. Can I Klasse my rims out of curiosity? And also, how are meguiars foam hand applicators for the places the PC cant go? And finnally, is this a good idea or a bad idea? Why?

01-21-2003, 04:16 PM
AIO is ideal for rims.

And those little foam pads are fine to use when you can reach with the PC.

Is it a good or bad idea? Heck, I dunno. It`s your car so do it if you want to. I mean, who am I to say? I wash rental cars cuz I can`t stand to drive them dirty.

01-21-2003, 04:22 PM
I meant is it too cold to do it, I know I can do it cause its my car, but is it maybe not a good idea? I mean if I get this out of the way the come spring all I have to do is detail the rest of the car and layer on the SG.

01-21-2003, 05:21 PM
Well I did my car not so long ago in my friends garage. If you have access to a garage with an insulated door it will probably be warm enough if not your best bet inmy opinon is to keep the salt and sand off of it as much as you can. Use a QEW in the mean time to keep it clean and wait for march to roll around it is only like one short month and some change away!


Tim Lingor
01-21-2003, 07:27 PM
Actually Perfect-It III Machine Glaze is a good idea as it has no fillers. That way, you know whether you missed any swirls or not.

I just did a car on Saturday. Man, was it ever cold!!!!!!!!!!!:scared

Have fun! ;)

GP Infinity
01-21-2003, 07:50 PM
just load up your wash bucket with hot water and put on some thick rubber gloves from the hardware store?

that`ll do ya..
