View Full Version : New here, Rain-X question...

01-21-2003, 03:13 AM
I stopped using Rain-X a while ago because it destroys my wipers.. it`s alcohol based and thus I don`t like to use it..

Are there any good products out there that I can use for my car? I wrote to Sal Zaino and he said I can use one of his polishes on the window and it would work well....

Anybody have any advice? I saw a product at a car show that is like a crayon.. you rub it on the winshield in a few streaks, then wipe it in, prevents fog and also sheets water off.

Any ideas folks? Thanks!

01-21-2003, 03:24 AM
I`ve used Accurain from Castrol which is also contains alcohol but I haven`t noticed any ill effects on my wipers. This stuff doesn`t really do as advertised but it helps a lot by improving the effectiveness of the wipers.

01-21-2003, 08:33 AM
I presently use Zaino on my glass but I just ordered some Diamondite. This is a glass claying/cleaning/ sealant system. The readings at it`s website ( www.diamondite.com) is very, very interesting. I could not help but order some. It should be here later this week and I will let you know how well it works.

Has anyone else used this product? I believe it is rather new to the public but has been used in industry (aviation) for a well.:cool:

01-21-2003, 08:43 AM
Aquapel is another forum favorite that has been brought up again recently.

PS Check your PMs Hercules. You need to change your signature a bit.

01-21-2003, 10:14 AM
Got your message :) Thanks!