View Full Version : Egg ?

01-20-2003, 12:41 PM
I have a potential client who is asking that I repair a portion of his 00` Dodge Cuad cab (met forest green). The problem, among minor scratches and a general need for detailing is what appears to be remnants of egg white on his cuad cab door. Under close observation (mag glass) it appears that the clear coat is damaged. When I say damaged, it looks like the clear coat surface is chapped or cracking. Im not sure how to repair this. Im thinking a compound (EO scratch remover, or 3M SMR for dark), then BF treatment. All help as always is greatly appreciated....Ive never dealt with egg before ! :nixweiss

George M.
01-20-2003, 01:32 PM
there was a post about this a while back. I think the final conclusion was there is nothing to do to it when the clear cote is cracked. heres the link



01-20-2003, 04:36 PM
Thanks Roderigo, unfortunatly it didnt give much more info than what i was going to attempt anyway...I think Im on the right track, and I will just inform the owner i may be able to hide a little of it, but i cant get rid of it.....

George M.
01-20-2003, 05:40 PM
ok, sorry i couldnt be more help.:nixweiss

01-20-2003, 06:26 PM
Follow the steps in the link, you should be able to get it looking pretty decent. Only 100% fix I`ve seen for cracked clearcoat is to get the clear reapplied.