View Full Version : bought my 02 Accord coupe last March, first time detailing

01-20-2003, 11:30 AM

i bought my AV6 last march, its nighthawk black

i have only polished it with meguiars once and thats it

its been thru alot of crap, includin road salt here in NY

i need to know how to go about fully renewin the paint, bringin some shine back, and protecting it......

also, i have some dings in my hood and top b/c of freakin acorns falling off trees at my house

how can i fix these????

01-20-2003, 11:50 AM
Welcome to Autopia!

Couple of quick things...

The SEARCH engine on this board will take you to a wealth of previous threads on this often asked question.

Download the Ebook, the first 8 chapters are FREE, $9.95 for the whole deal. It is the best $10 bucks you`ll spend on anything for your car!

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Enjoy !


01-20-2003, 01:04 PM
* Wash Car

* Claybar - Clay Magic and Mothers are very good, and easy to find brands.

* Swirl Remover - 3M Swirl Mark Remover, Meguiars # 9, or Meguiars DACP (Dual Action Cleaner Polish)

* Polish/Glaze - Meguiars # 7 is a very good, and easy to find choice.

* Wax - S100 is a very good caranuba. Using something like Klasse or some other stronger wax as a start would be good, and then top it with S100 since the weather`s bad up in NY.

I can`t imagine such a new car being in such bad shape, so these are what I`d reccomend doing. Then just wash every week, and maybe wax every month or so.

01-20-2003, 01:45 PM
Jimamary-thanks! which ebook is free for the first 8 chapters? cant find it

01-20-2003, 02:02 PM
Why just click right here, my friend! (http://www.autopia.org/download.php?op=viewdownload&cid=1) :xyxthumbs
