View Full Version : How do i wash my car?

01-19-2003, 02:12 AM
Newbee Question, whats the best steps to washing a car? also to take into consideration, it`s about 40-50 degrees here (Washington) and i have to wash it out in the sun.

01-19-2003, 02:35 AM
There is a search button you can use to answer many of your questions.

There is also an e-book you can purchase. It will give you lots of the information you want to know.

01-19-2003, 02:39 AM

Bucket ( fairly big )

Wash mit of any kind/sea sponge

Car wash soap

100% terry cloth towel *Two* or three


1. Put an ounce(about a cap full) of car wash soap in the bucket

2. Fill the bucket with water ( you wan`t to do the water after, so the soap get`s mixed well and creates sudds. )

3.Rinse the vehicle with a high pressure nozzle.

4. Use the wash mit or sponge and wash a panel at a time.

5. Rinse that panel

6. Procede to the other panels and wash and rinse individually as stated in the previous 4 & 5 steps.

7. Take the nozzle off and do a final rinse to get all soap off the vehicle.

8. Dry with the first terry towel.( Get the majority of water off the vehicle with this towel and set aside.

9. Use the second terry towel and do all the final passes over the car to ensure all the water is off the car, this might include a third towel...

10. Wash the bucket out, wash the towels and wash mitt in the washing machine, and put all your stuff away having fun.

Alright this is the most basic of car washing... The question you asked was basic. So if this seems too easy for you let me know and I can add about 20 more things to it, to make sure you are getting something out of this thread. After you have done this basic part and understand it, I can go into products that you must have, and other procedures to incorporate in the process to get the best wash possible, though right now I am not sure you would understand it at this point from the original question.

So have fun and understand this basic part of taking care of your car! then come back and I will add lot`s of fun things to your wash procedure and you will get the best wash you can get!


01-19-2003, 06:12 AM
Knight, in the future please be careful about what advice you give. I appreciate that you`re trying to be helpful, but bad advice is the opposite of help.

Originally posted by Knight

Wash mit of any kind/sea spongeUse a real wool sheepskin wash mitt, sea sponge (some debate about this), MF mitt, or genuine 100% cotton chenille mitt (probably have to mail order). Many cheap or "heavy duty" washmitts are just made of polyester and are a BIG no no here. Do not use other sponges either.

1. Put an ounce(about a cap full) of car wash soap in the bucket Follow the mixing directions of the soap you buy. It will vary.

4. Use the wash mit or sponge and wash a panel at a time.

5. Rinse that panelThis really isn`t necessary unless you`re doing it in high heat like in the summer. Wash and rinse from top to bottom in (larger) sections. Wheels should have been washed or cleaned first. Rinse out mitt/sponge with a hose or bucket of clean water before dunking in soap bucket again. Search for "two bucket method" and hopefully a thread will pop up.

Alright this is the most basic of car washing... The question you asked was basic. So if this seems too easy for you let me know and I can add about 20 more things to it, to make sure you are getting something out of this thread.No, he asked for the BEST steps for washing a car, not the basic steps. :nono Washing a car properly isn`t terribly complicated truthfully, and only differs in detail from the intuitive way most people already wash their vehicles.

After you have done this basic part and understand it, I can go into products that you must have, and other procedures to incorporate in the process to get the best wash possible, though right now I am not sure you would understand it at this point from the original question.How belittling does this sound?!? :nono You`re far from an expert yourself Knight, and could probably benefit from learning with him. Washing a car isn`t rocket science, and a listing of any relevant steps in the process should amaze or intimidate no one.

NWHdiyguy, you`ll also want to look into the different drying techniques, as there are lots of them and each has their pluses and minuses, and fans and naysayers. The hot trend now is something called a waffeweave MF towel. This is a common tip, but fill the wash (and rinse) buckets with warm (not hot) water too. As an alternative to getting water everywhere, search for "QEW" or "protect all quick easy wash". It`s a rinseless wash that`s becoming increasingly popular.

As said, the Autopia eBook is a great resource. The first 8 chapters are free to test drive, but a purchase is well worth it and directly funds the running of this forum. A list of acronyms are linked on the main page on the left, and don`t forget to wring the search engine - it`s a far better resource and teacher than any one person here. Good luck!

01-19-2003, 10:27 AM
wow thanks everyone. i do have alot of detailing stuff, but sure go ahead and tell me how to make the most of my car. And everyone, i did use the search button (always do :D ) but "how to wash a car" was to broad of a search.

C. Charles Hahn
01-19-2003, 01:38 PM
Brian, as absolutlely great that response was, I have to point out a couple things you missed:

in addition to drying techniques, you may want to research different car soaps as different ones are better suited for different paint-protection solutions (for example, Zaino Z7 is optimized for the Zaino polish/wax/sealant/etc. system, Meguiar`s Gold Class is a preferred favorite for several carnaubas, especially the Meguiar`s lines.) so you will want to choose the one best suited to the paint protectant you are using (again there are differences of opinion on some of this, but in general a consensus of the majority does exist.)

also as followup to washing, several people suggest that you QD the vehicle as soon as you`ve dried it, so as to maximize the protection your wax offers (most QD products add a small additional layer of protection on top of the wax you already have on the surface and can prolong the wax`s durability.)

just some other things to consider! :wavey

01-20-2003, 03:08 AM
The chemical composition of the car wash soap followed by the the approximate time one should be done washing the car based upon certain conditions and variables. LOL

How belittling does this sound?!? You`re far from an expert yourself Knight, and could probably benefit from learning with him. Washing a car isn`t rocket science, and a listing of any relevant steps in the process should amaze or intimidate no one.

The nature of the question was basic. "How do I wash my car?"

"Newbee Question" Would you not agree it was basic? Why not ask him if the information I gave is what he was looking for, for that time? I believe it was but I could be wrong. So by me giving him the very bear basics of washing the car does not push him away at first and gives him a starting point from which to go from. Do you understand? Simplify things so he can understand the basics IF that is what he is looking for. You didn`t really know and neither did I. So I gave the basics. Do you understand 4dsc?

I think both of you might have overlooked what he was looking for? I could have given him a huge post and the EXACT procedure to do an amazing wash. I did not, because I was not sure exactly what type of level of information he was looking for and that is why I left it open at the end to let him ask for more information on car washing or start with what I had given him. Don`t assume he is an expert in detailing or washing a car. Only assume that by his question on washing a car to start off at the smallest, most basic parts of washing a car. It is not patronizing him, it is starting with the basics and working the way up from that. Surely you would agree the basics are important? Enough said, the basics are what I had given him and more can be said IF necessary.

Now the question remains and I ask NWHdiyguy was the information I gave too basic or shall I tell you more? We can have a great discussion NWHdiyguy on washing the vehicle, just let me know if you want more procedures and, or recommendations of products that might suite you for your washing needs.

I hope I helped NWHdiyguy, and continue to? Oh yeah, don`t worry about the search results, sometimes they are a no go and your absolutely right about the type of question and searching for it. Besides, new things about washing a car and detailing are discovered every day. Surely, you would not want all old information. Though, I guess sometimes the searches yields fairly good things from time to time. Anyway, welcome and ask your heart away I will always be willing to try and help.


01-20-2003, 06:34 AM

The best source for just starting to learn how to properly wash your car is to go to the download section of this website and either purchase the Autopia Guide to Detailing or take advantage of the free download of the first few chapters of the book.

That will tell you everything you need to know as a newbie! :wavey

01-20-2003, 10:31 AM
one additional comment - at the Home Page there are articles viewable from the left column of the page. Click on "exterior detailing" and you`ll find many articles about all aspects of exterior cleaning, including how to wash your car.