View Full Version : Q`s for makers of s100

01-14-2003, 10:41 PM
Anyone have any? I am calling them back tommorrow to aks them a few things, and if you want i`ll get them to asnwer yours. Just leave them below and i`ll ask.

So far I have,

Is the formula changing soon.

Price Change?

Shelf Life

And a product list to make sure I have everything they offer.

01-14-2003, 11:32 PM
Mention that one person was e-mailed that S100 was not recommended for use on cars and trucks, but their booklet that comes with S100 clearly states "sure, go ahead, you`ll be glad you did". Ask them who is right.

BTW, I know S100 is fine for automobiles. I`ve been using it on in that capacity for 7 months now.

01-15-2003, 01:55 AM
Yeah if s100 is ideal for cars as well. Like scottwax said.

Also ask them when they are going to come out with a newer product. Technologically better one possibly?

I would love to save money on getting the s100 instead of the p21s. Though I am wondering if it is formulated too different. I think scottwaxs and this technology one is all I want to know.


01-15-2003, 12:39 PM
I think David mentioned a while back that they two were the exact same product and that the price difference was simply a marketing decision made by the manufacturer. They must feel that motorcyclists will not pay as much for wax as car people.

Based on this, I think the question about suitability for cars has been answered

01-15-2003, 01:26 PM
Okay, I called them again, and this is what they have to say.

Which (p21s or s100) sells better?

Answer, Hard to tell. p21s is not highly distributed, while s100 is sold in 633 Harley stores around the country. They do not sell to discounters, such as Pep Boys, and Auto Zone, and that is why p21s is soo hard to find.

Did sales go up when the rumor started? Hard to tell.

How do you recomend we prep the paint before using s100? Use the Paint work cleanser.

Has the formula ever changed EVER? Yes, but couldn`t say when.

Will the price change any time soon? No

Is s100 okay for cars? Yes

He said just recently they have become known for p21s wax. They had been in a niche market for wheel cleaners, which are ph ba;anced and contail no lye, and after the wax test (thinking guru reports mabey) they have become popular for the wax.

Both the man and woman I spoke to were very nice people. He didn`t answer some of my questions due to the formula, which sets them apart from everyone else. thats cool with me, as long as they only improve on the formula. :D

A product he listed which I`ve never seen are windsheld wipes. They do not make tire or leather care. (I asked becasue it is sooo hard to find p21s, i thought mabey they have somthing else out there which is hard to find.)

He asked if this info he was telling me was going to be in print. I told him about Autopia, and hopefully he`ll join and chime in on this thread.

Good to know there is good customer service behind the exceelent products!