View Full Version : New Replacement for EO Tire Cleaner...

01-14-2003, 06:10 AM
I know most people love EO Tire Cleaner, I love it too... but... unlike the US, we don`t and can`t get it at $1.99 or whatever... Our price is around P350 which is around $6.50-$7... way too much for a tire cleaner... With the amount of dirt that we often accumulate on our roads, we have to clean our tires at least once a week or so... (I`m sure you`ve heard that before)...

So the other day, I was just browsing for a trim cleaner or foam dressing for tire wells and such, and I came across this product called Cyclo Foam Away Tire Care (http://www.cyclo.com/appearance.htm)


I thought it was another foam dressing product like AA. I read the label and was surprised to find out that it`s a tire cleaner. Best of all, it was cheap, P150 (US$2.00) a can and since it`s in a foam nozzle, it`ll spread a lot easier than EO`s liquid spray, therefore, use less product.

I went home and tried it out. Not expecting much coz it`s a "grocery brand"... To my surprise, a few seconds after I sprayed it on my tires (wheels were hit too, it claims to remove brake dust and stuff anyway, as long as your rinse it soon after) and tirewells, the foam starts turning brownish and even without agitation (the label tells you to scrub if necessary, I was just lazy).

I let it sit for about 30 secs and rinsed off with a hose... Boom, my tires are clean, flat-black, natural sheen. The crevices of the tires are taken care off even without scrubbing. I waited for the tires to dry and checked again... Nice, clean look without the usual light-grey color after tire cleaning without dressing.

My tires weren`t caked with mud or anything, but it still did a good job. The old EO Wet dressing that I`ve applied were removed in uniformity.

As for the wheels, I didn`t see much improvement since my brakes don`t spew out that much dust anyway.

The tirewells looked fine as well... But some thicker mud remains in crevices.

I like this product, it`s cheap, easy to use and easy to find... :)

I used this to clean the plastic shroud of the BMW engine that I detailed as well... Worked great.. :)

01-14-2003, 05:25 PM
Hmm, interesting. At first this product sounded just like a lot of tire foams (like Armor All) judging by the product description. Many (but not all) of the spray-on tire foams do claim they clean and protect at the same time, even though most emphasize the shine aspect.

But when you used it, you mentioned it said to agitate if necessary and you applied it and THEN hosed it off. It actually told you to spray it on, then hose it off? This is new to me and I haven`t seen a product that tells you to do either of these things.

I think a foaming tire cleaner would be a neat product because of the really even coverage you get from the way foam applies to tires. I`m not going to try hunting this down, :p but I notice it`s the same company that makes Rally wax and No.7 polishes.

01-14-2003, 08:50 PM
I should`ve copied the label text... Anyway, if I remembered correctly, the instructions were:

1) Spray foam

2) Let sit

3) Brush/Agitate

4) Rinse

But unless you have caked on mud, or deposits in between tire "designs" like lines and letters, this baby`s foam cleans the tire pretty well without scrubbing.

It doesn`t give you much (or any) shine after cleaning. The tire comes out in a uniform, dark grey manner.

I left the tire to dry overnight (I usually wash at around 11pm) and applied EO WET Tire spray the next morning.

I also used it around the grille-like plastic in between my bumpers, works ok as well...

I saw a No.7 Shampoo powder in one of my Car and Driver issues where they tested a BMW X5 4.4L, they said it was great, is it? It`s quite cheap, even locally.

01-14-2003, 09:06 PM
Well, what do you know? A unique product! :cool: I`ll probably never see it here, but I`ll keep my eyes open.

Most of these tire foams just tell you to spray on and walk away. I wonder what would happen if I try to use them like this product.... Maybe in the spring I`ll try.

I`ve never (or rarely) ever heard of anyone talking about No.7 stuff here, but then again it looks a lot like Turtle Wax`s line of products. There`s probably nothing wrong with the wash if all you want to do is clean cheaply, but I bet it won`t be as nice as a lot of the "favourites" here.

01-14-2003, 09:27 PM
Many years back, I used No. 7 Polish and No. 7 Shampoo powder. If I remember correctly, they were a Dupont product at that time. The car wash worked fine as I remember it. Mixed up easily and completely. Dried relatively spot free, but needed to be wiped down with a towel to do a good job. The polish, I don`t recall anything about. The Dupont No. 7 products seemed to disappear from around here quite a few years ago. I have no idea why.
