View Full Version : Deep Scratch Help

George M.
01-14-2003, 01:22 AM
Ok, i used the search, nothing came up that was of use to me. I want to know if there is a product that is pretty cheap. That can take out this scratch. I used some SMR, which i knew wouldnt do much good since this is down to the Primer. I have tried some of this stuff my grandma got a long time ago. which turned out to just be a filler. Would Scratch X take it out? I dont want to buy a tube and not have it work since i dont have any other scratches to use it on. It is about 6 inches long. Where my cousins bike handles dragged across. The only thing that has hidden this was the layers of dirt that built before i detailed it. now it is right there though. *note my trucks tire in the reflection. isnt it cute?*

01-14-2003, 01:29 AM
It looks like the paint is scratched right down to the primer. Nothing short of repainting will fix it properly. You can polish it all day long, but without actual paint underneath the scratch, it will still show.

George M.
01-14-2003, 01:35 AM
yea, thats what i was afraid of. Oh well. this is a 92 Camry and she is looking into buying an 04 Camry. so i guess it wouldnt make sense to spend the money getting it repainted. Just thought i could do something for a temporary solution. Thanks Anyway. i guess i will just not look at that mark. I cringe everytime i see it:scared

01-14-2003, 02:31 AM
the scratch has already exposed the primer, without the paint, compounds and polishes has nothing to work on...


01-14-2003, 02:34 AM
There is a thing you can do:

if you can get the original touch-up paint for that car, you might try to do that.

If you `ve bought the book fro David, there is a good explanation in it on how-to.

Basicly you fill the scratch , you sand it and polish it `till gone.

I`m planning a photo-session on that.


George M.
01-14-2003, 02:48 AM
thanks all. i think i will just have to leave it. because it is my grandmas car, and she doesnt want to pay anything to have it done. and i dont want to work out of my pocket since i barely have enough money to get the things i need for my truck. which right now, priority is some new headlight bulbs. lol. right now i can afford one bulb. doesnt do much good

01-14-2003, 05:13 PM
So is there a way to make it look better? Would a compound of some type help minimize this then you can fill in the remainder of it as per Dave`s book

01-14-2003, 05:16 PM
Nope. The ONLY way to improve it is to fill with touch up paint, wetsand, and smooth. You would still see it up close, but it wouldn`t look too bad from farther away.