View Full Version : 303 Aerospace Cleaner - New??

Old Rattle Flat
01-12-2003, 09:10 PM
I have been bouncing back and forth between the Plexus Plastic Cleaner website and the 303 Aerospace Protectant website trying to figure out the differences between the two products, and make up a list of various uses, when I noticed that the 303 website is listing 303 Aerospace Cleaner as a New Product.

It reads (click here for the website) (http://www.303products.com/store/moreinfo.cfm?Product_ID=53) like it is quite a product. Does anyone have any experience with it to offer an opinion, or is it really very new?

01-12-2003, 09:20 PM
Sounds like it is new. If it does everything it says, it does sound like quite a revolution. Even your mom can be cleaning the salad vegetables with it!!!:p

01-12-2003, 09:43 PM

I can go help clean up after an oil-tanker spill............and then help prepare dinner.........with the same product?

huh. Somethin new amazes me everyday.


01-13-2003, 09:24 AM
It`s a floor wax AND a dessert topping! :D
