View Full Version : anyone heard of zymol royale wax?

01-10-2003, 05:50 PM
Hi there everyone. I`ve been browsing through this forum for months and finally posted for the first time. All the info here is great and everyone is awesome. We`ll I was driving this morning and heard on KCBS radio in the Bay Area, San Francisco with Chuk Bennette I believe, the founder of Zymol, talking about the $5,000 Royale wax that they have. I thought the Destiny was the most expensive wax they had for $1,500. Man that blew my mind. And also they were talking about people with Honda`s blowing $900 on wax. I have nothing against Honda`s but I guest there is a market for this stuff. We`ll anyways just wanted to say Hi to everyone and this is one of my favorite sites.

01-10-2003, 07:01 PM
You won`t find any zymol lovers on here other than me. ;)

Steve @ Guru
01-10-2003, 09:17 PM
I saw this post over at Roadfly. Has a NY Times article attached to it.

Zymol Royale (http://forums.roadfly.org/bmw/forums/e46m3/forum.php?postid=848230&page=1)

01-10-2003, 09:34 PM
Man, we`ve had more Zymol discussions here in the last 2 weeks than we`ve had ever.

I thought that Vintage was more expensive than Destiny normally. Does Destiny have the same refill policy?

Maybe geezer...uh...geeky can answer this for me. Is the wax the same in all these fancy containers? I`d really like to know if Zymol is just using the same wax and just offering different benifets. :nixweiss I`d just like to know why some of them are worth $150 per jar with no refills and others are 1500 with lifetime refills. :nixweiss

Steve @ Guru
01-10-2003, 09:45 PM
I`d love to reply, but for legal reasons can`t right now.

01-10-2003, 10:54 PM
Man geeky, there`re always legal reasons...I`m dying to know what makes this stuff so expensive. Maybe you can PM me with a little inside info...


01-10-2003, 11:40 PM
I understand your position geeky. Is there any way, however, you can elaborate on the "right now" part? Will there be a time you can fill us in on the info?

01-10-2003, 11:52 PM
Geeky, can you just tell us when you will be able to spill this information? or if you ever will be able to? That would atleast stop us from asking you every time you post something like this.

Can I ask what legal reasons there are?

01-11-2003, 02:16 AM
Yeah I`m really confused...

Does Geeky work for Zymol or something? :confused:

Steve @ Guru
01-11-2003, 07:13 AM
Geeky is being legally challenged by the kind folk at Zymol because they didn`t appreciate the results of our Guru Reports test...there`s no benefit in me saying anything; if you search the web you`ll almost certainly find what I`m talking about.

01-11-2003, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by subterfuge

Man geeky, there`re always legal reasons...I`m dying to know what makes this stuff so expensive. Maybe you can PM me with a little inside info...


Here`s a hint....

Forty-four ounces of the Royale wax comes in a hand-cut crystal-like container.

For $5K, I want it in Waterford Crystal!