View Full Version : blackfire`s postbuffing haziness

01-10-2003, 11:56 AM
everytime i use blackfire all finish paint protection, i`ve noticed difficulty buffing it off.....i`ve used less and less, and still it causes haziness and difficulty removing.

has anyone tried to remove the haziness by spraying the deep gloss spray and wiping....does that process get rid of the haziness?

also, if one were to put a coat of souveran over the blackfire allfinish paint protection`s haziness after buffing, would that eliminate the haziness or would you still have the haziness?

01-10-2003, 12:03 PM
I`ve never noticed any hazing. Are you referring to unbuffed product or something that`s left after buffing is complete?

01-10-2003, 12:17 PM
I too have not noticed any haziness with BF2. When you rub your clean finger ( one that is soft not calloused) on this hazy area does a shine develop. If so it seems that you are not allowing the BF to dry completely. You already removed the "too much" sealant factor. If the haziness is removed by using a QD spray also points toward incomplete drying. If the hazy still remains it may be the true condition of the paint. If you have some paint cleanser ( GEPC) test an area. If the haziness disappears or is diminished, it is time to cleanse paint (mildly polish) to get a hazy-free appearance.

Just a few thoughts:wavey

01-10-2003, 12:30 PM
maybe haziness was the inappropriate word......its more like not buffing it all out, product still left over and requiring quite a bit of extra buffing to completely remove.

my vehicle is a brand new black car, and the paint is nice, so i highly doubt its the paint. this bye the way also occurred on another older vehicle, so i am thinking i may have applied too much blackfire.

any advice?

01-10-2003, 12:53 PM
It seems that you are not allowing the BF to dry completely or still applying too much product. Just buff out the residual undried sealant with a carnuaba-free QD and MF. MF`s are great for removing sealants that are not completely dried. Give them a try if a long drying time is not an option ( no garage ).:cool::wavey

01-10-2003, 01:11 PM

I have the same problem you do. It`s almost as if the product never fully `dries`, no matter how thin I apply it or how long I let it dry. Trying to buff the product out seems to just "move" the product around.

I tried the suggestion to dilute BF 50:50 for easier buffing posted on another thread. Although it didn`t smear, it suddenly made the product more stubborn and required more pressure and more swipes to come off.

01-10-2003, 01:24 PM
yes intermezzo, your previous post is exactly what i have experienced. the parts that have been buffed off look nice, but there are alot of areas that still seem to have that residue that needs some more buffing work, and although i`ll put some more time into it, it doesn`t seem to be removed. i am using clean and relatively new microfiber towels and still its a chore.

have you or anyone else tried quick detailing it with the gloss spray or applying a layer of carnuaba over it to see if it eliminates the problem?

i`ve even applied very very small layer of blackfire all finish paint protection and still have the problem with the incomplete buffing.

01-10-2003, 01:47 PM
I`ve tried applying another coat, spraying some water as well as BF QD, using fresh clean towels on each panel,....nothing worked. Thin applications were definitely not the issue, because I was using much less product than I normally do when applying other sealants (small drop for half the hood). Even when I did manage to get a panel nice and perfectly streak-free, one small touch with my fingers would leave a lot of smudges. I finally gave up and tried applying a coat of P21S carnauba, which did the trick.

01-10-2003, 02:09 PM
thanks for the advice

i have some souveran which i`ll apply and see if the streaking dissapears

have you noticed that once your carnuaba P21 wax "disappears" over time, the streaks reappear

are you disappointed by the inability to buff off problem and would rather not use the Blackfire All finish paint protection and acquire another product? or are u going to stick to blackfire and just top with P21 carnuaba?

01-10-2003, 02:27 PM
I didn`t notice any reappearance of streakiness over time, but I only kept the wax on there for two weeks before polishing everything off and switching to another product.

Since the BF streaks can easily be `moved around`, I don`t think they would still be there underneath your Souveran. I`m pretty sure the solvents from the wax scooped up the excess BF product and were removed from the car when buffing the wax indicator.

I was pretty disappointed by the smears I was getting with BF because like you, I like the shine it leaves. After trying a few other ways to alleviate the problem, I`ve decided that it`s just not worth the trouble. There are many other products out there that will provide excellent results with much less effort. I think it`s pretty lame that I have to add a carnuaba topper just to get rid of the smears. Also, considering the fact that leaving the product on overnight and still getting smears when removing the product as well as heavy fingerprint smudges on areas already buffed out the day before, I question whether or not there`s any true cross-linking going on with this "polymer" product.

Most of the ppl I`ve PM`d about BFII are having the same problem as me, but a few others on this board are getting great results.....so I would try a few more times to get it working properly before giving up on it.

I have since switched this car to Z-5/ZFX. Haha, I`ve forgotten how nice it is to be "bored" with the simplicity of the Zaino system.

01-10-2003, 07:25 PM
I have also had the smearing problem, but I`ve only had the opportunity to try the sealant in relatively low temps (low 50`s). I spoke to someone at CMA, and he agreed that low temps will greatly extend drying times. He also suggested using either an MF towel with less nap (like the Viking polishing cloths they sell), or using the non-plush side of a terry MF, the idea being that you want more "grab" to get all the oils during removal. I haven`t had a chance to try that yet, but once the weather warms up, I`ll give it a shot. If the problem continues in warmer temps, I may give up on BF2 myself.

BTW, I have been able to reduce the smears greatly with a Z6 QD following BF removal, and the smearing doesn`t seem to persist beyond the next wash.

Anxiously awaiting spring,


P.S. For those of you that have experience the smearing, could you please chime in with the weather conditions you were dealing with at the time? For me, it was low 50`s and relatively high humidity . . .

01-10-2003, 07:43 PM
i`ve tried in temp in the mid 50`s and left it on for over 3 hrs and same result - alot of smearing.....

i`ve even left it on over 36 hrs and still had difficulty with the smearing - and in both instances i used the microfiber towels supplied by them that came in the box with the blackfire complete kit and really used alot of elbow grease.

additionally, i spoke with someone (mike?) at properautocare who stated that i was applying way too much and to take it off, i`d have to repolish and start all over again thus negating everything i had done up to that point.

its not worth it if thats the case

01-11-2003, 12:43 AM
Approx 60 degrees in low humidity.

Tim Lingor
01-11-2003, 01:56 AM
I realize that this might be a stupid question, since you guys have been around here for a long time, and I am relatively new, but I have an interesting story.

I was applying a wax to my truck, and for some reason, I could not get the wax to buff out completely; it just moved around. I could not figure it out!! This never happened before!!

Then I asked my wife the usually questions: any dryer sheets with the towels?? Nope. But what I did not know was that my wife did a load of laundry right before my buffing towels. I believe that left over fabric softener was still in the washing machine. A very small amount in one of the auto inject spouts. I ran the machine with some other towels and tried it again---I put more wax on the truck and the wax came off!!!

Again, I realize that my story is probably trivial, but is there any chance of that happening??