View Full Version : First time using MF towels!

01-09-2003, 06:08 PM
These are great! I will probably never use a chamois again to dry my car. The waffleweave from JT International worked great. I haven`t used the terry towels wet since I didn`t wax. But, I do have a question? I assume you only use the waffleweave ONCE to dry the entire car and then have to wash it before using it again? I don`t think it would be a good idea to re-use because of possible dirt on the towel. This goes for all of my MF towels? I may have to buy a few more!

01-09-2003, 06:11 PM
Yep wash em by themselves or with anything non-linting and then dry in the dryer without any bounce sheets or anything. No fabric softener in the washer either. Just regular tide or whatever you use.

01-09-2003, 06:51 PM
Also, as with all MF stuff, don`t use high heat to dry. Most people are extra cautious and use no heat or line-dry them. You`ll find MF to dry much faster than cotton stuff! :up

01-09-2003, 06:52 PM
If you are just going to use them once and throw them away, I`ll gladly take them off your hands!;)

Seriously though, you can use these for a long time just take care of them. No need to go buck wild with purchasing hundreds of these unless they are having a promotion.

01-09-2003, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by PiL

I assume you only use the waffleweave ONCE to dry and then have to wash it before using it again? I don`t think it would be a good idea to re-use because of possible dirt on the towel. This goes for all of my MF towels? I may have to buy a few more!

Unless you touched ground while drying, you don`t HAVE to wash your waffleweave after each use as theoretically, your car should be clean and have no dirt after a washing! The other MFs, I would wash after each use as they would have sealant/wax, glass cleaner, or QD on them.

01-09-2003, 07:38 PM
He meant use once between washings. That is not necessary. You should notice the waffleweave as it gets dirty. Typically, I wash mine every 5-10 uses depending on how dirty it is.

01-09-2003, 10:27 PM
Another question. Is it normal to wring out the MF waffleweave like a chamois? I got the hood and the roof dry and then had to wring it out. I normally sheet the car off with water before drying. That should help the next time.

01-10-2003, 07:31 AM
Yep, MF`s are great for wringing out and absorbing more. I usually sheet my cars before drying as I do not have a leaf blower. I have the 28x54" JTi towel and don`t have to wring it out after drying one vehicle usually.

01-10-2003, 08:08 AM
Wash between uses to be safe ( these are very absorbent towels which may and probably will include microscopic dirt particles that may have been in final rinse droplets.)

Wash MF`s with MF`s only.

Wash with LIQUID detergent only

No fabric softener or dryer sheets.

Wash in warm or cold water (rinse also in warm or cold)

I like machine drying at Air Fluff setting ( low temp is okay). Towels feel softer than a line dried MF. JMO

Fold neatly and store in some sort of container.

You will never have enough MF`s

Enjoy the experience. These are fantastic products.:xyxthumbs