View Full Version : How to Remove Zaino

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F 355
01-07-2003, 06:09 AM
Just did my car with Zaino....Thanks but No Thanks.

Now I want to take it off. I`m 90% sure Dawn won`t do it, so now what...?

Will GEPC or Zymol HD Cleanse do it or do I need somthing more agressive?


01-07-2003, 06:18 AM
Isopropanol or rubbing alcohol.

Non-abrasive products to remove Zaino.

What went wrong?

Why are you not happy?



F 355
01-07-2003, 07:43 AM
I want to show you a pix of the car new from the dealer..because I already posted it here, the system will not allow me to post it again...get a response you have already posted this pix..

Anyway, here is a pix after Zaino

F 355
01-07-2003, 07:48 AM
The shine is too "Plasticy" and takes away from the lines of the car, especially when viewing the car from an angle, the light refracts inaccurately...

Always been a p21 fan, so I`m going back to the real deal. Don`t want to start a flame, but nothing beats the warm 3D glow of a good Carb wax IMHO. Durability is not an issue for me, in fact I can touch up my p21 in about the same amount of time it takes to use a QD.

On the alcohol....straight up with a MF or dilute it?

01-07-2003, 07:52 AM
I`m actually about to switch from Zaino to P21S to give it a try. I`m going to dawn wash the car and then use P21S GEPC... from what I`ve read here that should remove the zaino. I don`t want to use 3M SMR again with my PC.. don`t think I have enough paint left for that. ;)

I have a red 3000GT... I think I`ll like the carnauba depth everyone talks about. Gotten kinda bored of zaino, time to try something new. ;)

01-07-2003, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by F 355

On the alcohol....straight up with a MF or dilute it?

50%water 50% alcohol

wash with your usual carwash after


F 355
01-07-2003, 07:58 AM
CV - Thanks ;)

Mutilator - Thats what I did.. On a bumper a laid down the Z an BF. It looked OK until I did the entire car...

I think BF would be a better way to go...deeper look and you always have the option of a topper... or AIO....

01-07-2003, 08:07 AM
Why not try P21S on top of Zaino? I agree that Zaino doesn`t look too great on bright red and your pictures an a good example. You know it is protected, and P21S can just be applied next for the right look.

F 355
01-07-2003, 08:17 AM
Actually, that is what I want to try today...because I`ve read previous threads that they can off set each other...

Worth a shot....:xyxthumbs

01-07-2003, 08:50 AM
IMO, your description of it being too plasticy is right on. The majority of sealant type products I`ve seen are almost all that way...Klasse SG included. I`ve not seen ( up close and personal ) a vehicle with the new BF so I can`t comment on that but from what I`ve read it is a big improvement. I`ll also agree that it is tough to get that good ol` carnauba depth and warmth from the sealant products, especially to the degree that P21s or Souveran will have. Before the flames start flying, this is just my opinion based on what I`ve seen first hand.

UPP is the only sealant I`ve tried and seen in person that approaches the carnauba look and also has the reflectivity typical of many sealants. Still, not quite what you`ll get from P21s.

BTW....beautiful car!:up

F 355
01-07-2003, 09:04 AM
Natty - Duck for cover when you say that... Z has a strong following...:D

01-07-2003, 09:16 AM
WOW F355. Thanks for that. I am getting my 355 and was going to use Zaino.

Not I am not sure what to use. Any suggestions?

F355 what did you use to wash?


F 355
01-07-2003, 09:24 AM
FJT - Don`t get me wrong...Zaino is nice on light colors, especially silver! My GF has a silver Porsche and I did it on her car first, came out sweet... But dark cars are a different story...

What color F-Car are you looking to get?

Also - If you have not already done so, check www.ferrarichat.com

Great place to go to get info before you buy, ask questions from other owners, etc.

Wash, depends...sometimes just water or Meg Gold is one of many. To be honest, I think it`s important to follow directions when mixing....most people overkill and make it too strong, which results in removing wax...

01-07-2003, 09:37 AM
Mine is red. But needs to be detailed. I have gone the Ferrarichat but not much on detailing. I am looking at getting a great red glow.


F 355
01-07-2003, 09:52 AM
OK -

The download on the home page is a good place to start...

Make sure you clean and prep the paint first, otherwise whatever you put on top of it won`t help. Can`t tell you how aggressive of a cleaner to use without seeing the car...

Start with the least abrasive and if it does not work move up to something stronger. P21S might work if you have Minor swirls...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...so experiment....no such thing as a "silver bullet" do all, ,please all. I bought several brands and tried them side by side to see what I liked best.

On red...IMHO...if you go with synthetic...Blackfire

If you go with Carb, I feel that P21s is the best and I have enough wax laying around to fill a freight train...but that`s what works for me...

post a pix under a new thread and let the members give you input.
