View Full Version : Is Klasse SG really that difficult?

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01-06-2003, 08:16 PM
Is Klasse SG really a bear to remove? I`ve read posts saying everything from it`s very easy to remove to it`s a bear to remove.

I`m totally confused.

01-06-2003, 08:53 PM
The secret to Klasse SG is very very thin coats. If you get it on too thick then it can be tough to remove. Its all about technique and application. Buffing it off is easy if you use a damp microfiber towel first and then follow it up with a dry one. That eliminates the streaks. It took me about 3 applications before I had a technique worked out that has been just fine for me. I haven`t had a problem with hazing or streaking since then. Its only hard if a) you put too much on or b) you buff it off wrong. Pretty simple stuff really.

01-06-2003, 08:53 PM
If you apply it too thick, then yes, it is a paint to remove.

As long as you do thin coats, then it is quite easy to remove.

Also, letting it sit on the paint awhile makes it also easier to remove. I`ve left it on 24hours + before.

01-06-2003, 09:33 PM
I agree with the others. If applied and removed correctly, it is not a problem. To be honest, it takes me about the same effort to remove BF as it does to remove SG. Ive only applied blackfire twice so maybe I am not applying correctly, but so far they are similar. Takes me about 10 min or so to remove totally for each.

01-06-2003, 11:53 PM
I have two coats of SG on my car, and it`s the only experience I have with using the stuff. (Just so you know I`m not a Klasse expert, or anything. :p) My first coat was on too thick, even though I *thought* I was putting it on thin, and it hadn`t dried enough. It was extremely hard to remove and left streaks/hazing. I got the second coat on really thin, so that I had to look really hard to see it (fogging it with your breath helps to see it - it holds the moisture longer than dry clean paint), and it came off soooo easy with no streaking or hazing. Like Intel said, make sure it dries for awhile before you buff it off, too. I think by the time I finished applying it and took a break, it was about 45 minutes from when I started. I just started buffing off at the same place I started applying, using the 1-damp/1-dry MF method.

Oh yeah, this was early October when I did this, and the Klasse is still going strong. :xyxthumbs I`ve kept it topped with both Souveran and S100, both make my dark car look really nice.

01-07-2003, 12:39 AM
Thanks for the tips everyone!

In Summary:

1) Apply VERY thin coat

2) Allow ample drying time ... at least an hour

3) Buff off with damp towel, then dry towel

Any other tips?

01-07-2003, 01:21 AM
Personally, I don`t consider it "easy", but then again I was super-meticulous when doing my coats. :p

Like RegalGS said, breathing on it to fog it up was great for checking application (so thin it was invisible) and complete buffing. Instead of using the damp cloth/dry cloth method, I just used one cloth and misted water on the paint. It worked just as well, but then again there wasn`t much SG to buff off in the first place.

Not everyone will agree with this next method, but it worked for me. Instead of the CMA tip of using QD to help apply SG, I just used plain filtered water very very lightly misted onto a foam pad. I did this because there was a danger of confusing dried QD for dried SG. I don`t feel it`s a bad idea either, because QD is 95% water anyway. SG was applied to the pad with a tipped 1oz. bottle, one 2" line at a time. Using this tedious method I was able to get ultra thin coats with a projected 6 (maybe 7) coats per ounce. In the spring I don`t think I`ll be so aggressive and will knock that down to 4 or 5 coats.

01-07-2003, 08:20 PM
Thanks for the info everyone!

I have order the AIO and SG and Blitz Wax. Hope this works out for my new red truck.

Being a newbie, I may not apply the SG perfectly, but one mistake I won`t make is using too much product. I`m really going to put it on thin!

When my order arrives I plan on 1x AIO, 3x SG (VERY THIN!), then using Blitz often. May wait a year before AIO and SG again.

01-10-2003, 12:53 PM
Is KSG thick or can it be put in a spray bottle?

01-10-2003, 12:58 PM
SG is kinda like watered down milk. Its not so thinck that you couldn`t use it that way, but it shouldn`t be applied from a spray bottle. You need to apply it by hand with an applicator. If you use a spray bottle then it will spread out too thin and you won`t get equal coverage.

Some people have posted that they mix SG with water and use it as a QD. That is the only time I`ve ever heard of anyone using SG with a spray. Good thought though. I can see where you were coming from. :up

01-10-2003, 02:27 PM
Using Sonus QD very sparingly on application and slightly more misted on a MF towel for removal worked best for me, noticeably better than the Eagle W & S. And it left a beautiful streak free shine, no hazing, etc.

As far as application, I gave up on the PC, but I might try again with a MF bonnet, misted with a little Sonus to see how that works. Using the PC, I would use the lowest possible speed, and probably would get the best results if you didn`t even plug it in (LOL), compared to hand application.

A MF applicator, slightly misted with Sonus, and a dime to nickle sized drop on SG spread around on the applicator was enough to do 1/2 the hood of my GTI, spreading it front to back and slightly overlapping each stroke. As the applicator absorbed a little more SG, the same amount was enough to do 1/2 of the entire roof and then stayed about constant after that. It was definitely enough to see where you had been, but just barely. It might have still been too much, but buffing it off was almost unbelievably easy compared to just a little bit more.

Give it a try like this, it was my first use of SG, but thanks to the suggestions of this group and my own experimentation, after 3 coats I feel I have gotten it down pretty good.

01-10-2003, 05:28 PM
Yeah, I think I`m going to err on the side of putting too little KSG on my vehicle ... then put more coats (probably 3 to 4) to be assured coverage.

01-10-2003, 07:23 PM
I soak a mf towel in water and wring it out so it`s damp and have no problem removing SG. A follow-up buff with a dry mf towel brings on a great shine. On my beater Caravan, it takes less than 20 minutes. Great results with minimal effort. :xyxthumbs

01-17-2003, 09:25 PM
When KSG drys on a dark paint (red) will it leave a haze like most wax/polish?

01-18-2003, 10:22 AM
I can see a faint haze on my emerald green paint, even when applying a thin coat, which is preferred. :)