View Full Version : I want to try Klasse AIO but want to use a differnt topper what do you suggest??

01-06-2003, 07:18 PM
I canot seem to get the shine everyone selse gets with Zaino. It does not lok rich and wet. I thought I would try Klasse. I hear that it is good using the AIO and then a black fire topper or something like s100. Any ideas or thoughts on this? Constructive that is lol. TYIA!!

01-06-2003, 07:20 PM
I started with Klasse when I first joined here. I bought it, tried it and sold it. Literally that fast.

AIO Wasn`t bad at all, but SG was a bear. I was spreading it on as thin as I possibly could and it was still hard to buff off.

I switched to Zaino, just recently and LOVE it`s ease compared to Klasse.

anyway, this is just MY opinion ;)

01-06-2003, 07:23 PM
Blackfire isn`t really a topper. Its a seperate sealant. When we say topper we are refering to wax. If you want wet depth then a carnauba topper is the way to go. If you want lots of it then skip the Klasse and just go straight for the Platinum or Blackfire with a carnauba topper. That gets you really good results. I`m suprised that you weren`t happy with the Z though. I can count them on my fingers the number of times that I`ve heard that. Interesting...

01-06-2003, 11:48 PM
Like Jngr, I`m kinda surprised too. Most people like it or love it. Your car is pretty new, but what kind of surface prep did you perform prior to applying Zaino? Also how many coats did you put on?

01-07-2003, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by Jngrbrdman

Blackfire isn`t really a topper. Its a seperate sealant. When we say topper we are refering to wax. If you want wet depth then a carnauba topper is the way to go. If you want lots of it then skip the Klasse and just go straight for the Platinum or Blackfire with a carnauba topper. That gets you really good results. I`m suprised that you weren`t happy with the Z though. I can count them on my fingers the number of times that I`ve heard that. Interesting...

well then, add another finger for me...:(

As for topping AIO, i have tried: SG(easy to remove with damp mf)

UPP(JNGR swears by this - i agree)

S100(can`t get easier than this, but less durable than the other two IMO)

01-07-2003, 08:18 AM
IMO, AIO and UPP is a match made in heaven.

Another thing to consider is if you are not getting the results you expect perhaps you need to examine the prep work. Tell us more about the condition of your vehicles finish, how it`s used, garaged or not and what steps-products-application methods you used prior to applying the final finish.

01-08-2003, 09:49 PM
I just ordered AIO + SG + BLITZ for my new red truck. Will let you know the results as soon as they arrive and the weather cooperates. Now I kind of wished I would have ordered P21S instead of the Blitz, but that`s just from reading posts ... don`t have experience with either yet.

01-08-2003, 10:29 PM

If what you want is deep, wet effect and you don`t like Zaino results (hmmm very surprising) I would definitely try AIO & P21S combo. You may just prefer carnauba look.:nixweiss

I would also take a closer look at what kind of surface prep work you do, maybe you can do something differently, try other product.

My routine used to be clay, SMR, P21S GEPC, AIO and 3 coats of SG and finally P21S wax. It usually took me at least 2 weekends to build up SG and I didn`t really enjoy working with it so just recently, when working on wife`s car I skipped SG and went straight for carnauba. All I can say I was amazed how good the car looked and I preffered it to my previous results! The car looked really wet but not brighter or more shiny, just softer, more liquid.

Now I can understand why Terry at CMA says to skip SG when topping Klasse.