View Full Version : Any side by sides so I can see the difference between these two?

01-01-2003, 02:10 PM
Compare both types of waxes. Carnuba wax and polymer type waxes. ( Aka, normally referred to as waxes and sealants. )

Will anybody be Willing or Able to post two cars relatively the same DARK color, ( black and blue ) and that one car is waxed with Zaino, klasse, while another with p21s or any high quality wax? Could the pictures be total views of the cars, not close up shots or anything. I know this is a TALL ORDER, but it might be nice for others and myself to really understand and see the differences between the two types of waxes. Some say the glow of the polymer, while others say the depth of the wax. All these characteristics that everyone talks about each wax having would be better displayed, so everyone could see them side by side . That way in the future everyone could understand better the terms used when describing the different types of waxes. Plus, I am just curious for a side to side comparison. Just an idea.


01-01-2003, 02:20 PM
You will have to see the difference in person. A computer monitor can not accurately reproduce the difference in the finish.

01-01-2003, 02:40 PM
That will work out fine. Let me check it out.

I just checked those pictures. It seems to me that the poymer waxes have more a mirror reflection while carnuba based waxes give more warmth and depth. I think your right though. I will have to try both.
